bent spine

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  1. M

    What to look out for? Possible TB?

    The other day i enquired about some bogwood, seller said he was shutting down tank so the 6 fish he had ( 3 zebra danio's and 3 panda cory's ) would have to go with it. I thought their water requirements and temp matched those of my tank so i didn't decline. My tank is 160 ish litres and...
  2. S

    Two spot barb with a Bent spine

    I saw that this barb had a bent spine in my 110 gallon and seemed to keep getting stuck in the plants. I removed them and quarantined for about a month. They seem to have adjusted to swimming with a bent spine. They are still fairly active and move around when I get close to the tank. They have...
  3. Circus

    Dent the WCMM

    So, I have had Dent for about a year. He is a Gold White Cloud Mountain Minnow. I walked up to the tank earlier and almost freaked out, because I thought he was dead. I went to net him out and he swam right out of the net. He just rests at the top of the tank, until something gets close, then he...
  4. E

    Injured betta?

    I went to clean my betta’s tank. He is a twintail halfmoon betta. I moved his tank into my kitchen and he jumped out onto the counter without my knowledge. I accidentally placed the tank full of water on top of half his body. I found him within 5 minutes and quickly threw him back into the tank...
  5. carligraceee

    Bent spine in my Platy fry :( (that rhymes, it was unintentional)

    Hey guys! So I have been raising three baby platys for awhile now. I think they reached a month old a couple days ago. However, one died a day ago and when I looked closely at his body to find anything abnormal, I saw he had taken on a sort of krill shape (almost like a boomerang). I then looked...
  6. Barry Tetra

    Swordtail bent spine

    Hello again TFF, My swordtail have bent spine (kinda reminds me of Hunchback of Noter dame), Ive tried every med including Levamisole, Metronidazole and Praziquantel but it doesnt work its seems like it only works on rosy barbs bloated stomach.
  7. C

    Poorly guppy. Could it be Tb?

    Help!!! Does anyone know what’s wrong with my guppy? Her spine is extremely disformed (wasn’t when I brought her 5 weeks ago) Been told it could be fish tb? But not sure. Please help! She’s eating and swimming fine.
  8. S

    Emaciated Cory with bent spine?

    Hi all! I’m new to fishforums and have a question about my cories! I had 4 Cory cats (two peppered, two panda) when I stocked my 5.5 gallon 6 months ago. I also have a male dwarf gourami. The pandas and gourami are happy and healthy! But my first peppered cat seemed to have gotten stuck and...
  9. M

    Chronic fin rot - nothing's working

    My betta, Watson, is a rescue fish. He's got a bent spine but it hasn't effected him much at all. I moved and the stress caused him to eat a good portion of his tail. It's been growing back but he's had fin rot the entire time (almost 4 months now) and nothing I've tried has gotten rid of it, on...
  10. D

    Platy Is Looking Really Skinny

    Hi, my dad has a tank of platys, one died this morning. it was first stuck to the filter and then just sank to the bottom of the tank in a c shape. And now the last fully grown platy has gotten very skinny over the past few days. it looks all clamped up and its spine looks weird and bent...and...