
  1. L

    Zebra Danios swim with nose to top

    I bought some Zebra Danios yesterday. Most are dead, but I've generally figured out what happened. 2 currently remain and I guess I have a question about their behavior. Fish A is a smaller one, the most energetic and will possibly be the last to survive. Fish B is bigger and less energetic...
  2. Meg0000

    Help! Paradise fish

    I don't know if the behavior of my juvenile paradise fish is normal, my fish breathes at the surface since it is a labyrinth fish but like sometimes he does it multiples time in a row and also he/she swims left to right of the tank really fast non stop. I also think my paradise fish feels lonely...
  3. S

    Peacock Eel questions about diet and behavior

    I have somewhat recently got my self a peacock eel. From day one he has been very active and very willing to eat right out of my fingers. Since I've gotten him I've been feeding him thawed frozen bloodworms. My question is how much should I feed him, and should I feed him anything else besides...
  4. N

    Help with platy behaviour

    Cycled tank 5 female and 1 male mixed platy. Male platy seems to be aggressive towards one of the females, not letting her swim and socialise around the front of the tank. She's submissive towards him not pecking him back like the others do, but he rams her, chases and blocks her so she can't...
  5. E

    my new cherry shrimp are swimming non stop.

    I just bought 5 cherry shrimp for my 125 liter tank and the tank is well cycled and the temp Ph etc. are in range of what cherry shrimp need but they are still swimming around nonstop and i dont think the female has shed but i dont know for sure, does anyone else know what behaviour this is?
  6. M

    Single white spot appeared on pregnant platy

    hi, I recently posted a thread on my pregnant Platy, and since then her stomach has gone huge and looks like she has squared off, a small white spot has started to appear in between her fins near the anal area. Is this normal? I’ll attach some photos that show her ‘squaring off’. I tried to get...
  7. Bazouteast

    Strange Angel Fish behaviour

    Around 7 or 8 months ago I raised a brood of Angel Fish. They are now almost mature and beautiful though they are, I need to think about moving some of them on. Within the group there is one fish that has shown some remarkable behaviour that I haven't seen before. I have two filters running...
  8. chrisdenyer

    change in molly behaviour

    Hi guys, I wonder if anyone can tell me if they've noticed mollies becoming more shy, and whether it might be a sign of anything bad? I doubt there's anything wrong, my mollies are behaving perfectly normally (as far as I can tell) when I watch them from across the room but recently they've...
  9. Flinkbag

    Possible Parasites In My Tank, Need Some Help!

    So Im back again with yet another problem... *sigh*   So the other day I flipped this piece of driftwood (which looks like a dead tree) upside-down, and I noticed an odd piece of white cobweb-type material covering the base of the tree 'trunk'. The next day when i looked at it, the white was...
  10. chrisdenyer

    Possibly Stressed Out Molly?

    Hi all, was wondering if anyone has any insight into some strange Molly behaviour? I moved two of my 4 month olds into a temprary 30L as my main 90L tank was a little crowded (my first four mollies, who were supposed to all be female, weren't...population now under control!) They seemed pretty...
  11. RCA

    Upside Down Bristlenose Plec.

    One of my Bristlenose is lying upside down from time to time. It seemed to start after I put a black and white rock in the aquarium, however this maybe coincidence? I removed the rock during my latest water change last week. Generally he hangs around his man cave, and grazes on Bogwood. He...
  12. J

    Seemingly Aggressive Congo Tetra Behaviour

    Hey, just a quick question for you who are experienced with Congo Tetras :) I have a school of 8 of them in my tank, 4 are male, 4 are female. I have been noting some seemingly aggressive behaviour of late. I am unsure if it is normal social behaviour or actual dominance.  What will happen is...
  13. R

    Clown Loach Behaviour

    Hi, I've had a Clown Loach in my tank for a number of months now. It has seemed pretty happy. Typically it would remain hidden and be very timid if it notices you moving. It would often bury itself away so you wouldn't be able to see it. Over the last couple of days I've noticed some...
  14. BlueOrchide190

    Are My Platies Pregnant Or Just Fat? & Is This Normal?

    Hello! I need some insight...   I have 2 female platy that I purchased at different times during the last 3 weeks. One is a blue mickey mouse platy, and the other.... I'm not sure, lol. It looks like this, though...
  15. M

    Platy Started Hiding And Seems Terrified Of Everything

    I've got a +200 litre tropical community tank with the following species: Platys, Balloon Mollies, Corydoras, Guppy. All get along fine. Water parameters are all fine. Have the tank for about 5 months - so still relatively new at this.   Have 1 female platy for about 4 months. She's given birth...
  16. LaurenRhiain

    Very Odd Question About Sailfin Molly

    I've had my Black Sailfin Molly since 24th Dec 2012 now and it shows some rather odd behaviour. Basically it chases my platies around for ages trying to eat their poo. It's not nipping at them or showing any aggression, it just seems to be after their waste. Is this normal as I've not seen any...