beginner fish

  1. S

    White tips on harlequin

    Hello, Just been looking at my fish and noticed this harlequin has white tips on its tail? Is this normal?
  2. KayleighC97

    Beginner - Algae & dirty gravel?

    Hi! I bought this fish tank about 3 months ago (38 litre). I have had fish in there for roughly 2 months as I ensured I cycled it well beforehand. The past month I’ve had this algae looking stuff on the driftwood and also the Java fern (but mainly the driftwood). My gravel is also quite brown...
  3. B

    Beginner in fish tank hobby and I’m confused

    I need you guys help badly. I went fish store today and did my water test (water was on my 37 gallon tank been one day and filtered 24 hour) Ph 7.2 Nitrate 0 Kh 40 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 Chlorine 1.0 Gh 75 employee told me wait couple more days and after that I can get small kind off fishes. I...
  4. L

    ADVICE PLEASE! Should I add another loach to my tank?

    So, I recently started keeping fish. I purchased a kuhli loach impulsively (this was a mistake I know this). I'm doing what I can to provide him the best care possible. I only have the resources for a 10 gallon tank. I'm getting mixed advice, but I've heard kuhli loaches can do alright in a 10g...
  5. tiana715

    Pufferfish a good beginners fish?

    Hi guys, Are pufferfish (particularly porcupine puffers) a good fish as a beginner to keep? What are the pro's & con's? Eventually I would love to breed puffers (all species) as I think they are absolutely adorable. However, are they a good investment fish? I've heard Porcupine puffers are...