
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. D

    How many fish for my tank?

    Hey guys, I’ve tried to look online, and I’m getting a lot of contradicting advice, considering the variables depending on the fish I’m interested in. I have a 180-litre tank but only have 160 litres of water. I have a 200 Eheim pick-up filter and 200-watt heater to make up for heat loss...
  2. S

    Where to buy wild type gold/Chinese barbs

    Hi guys, For my first ever post I just want to know if anyone has ever had success finding green wild type Chinese barbs. I've been looking for about a week for a 90 gallon mixed community and have not found anything either at LFSs or online. I enquired about special ordering them through my...
  3. D

    Neon Barb bloated

    Hi we added some Neon Barbs around 1 month ago (aquarium been in the go for around 1 year). Do partial water changes around once a month, and test the water regularly etc. 1 of the Neon barbs is really bloated. Looking for any advice on how to resolve. All other fish seem to be fine. Thanks
  4. S

    Tinfoil Barb having Blood on its scales | Urgent help

    Hello, I have a tinfoil barb of age around 2 years. A week ago it was healthy, active and eating food regularly. But suddenly I spotted blood on its scales and it was spreading to its other scales as well. However, the fish is eating properly and active as hell even now. Please help me, i dont...
  5. Pugsnstuf

    Underrated rasbora and barbs that I found

    Rasbora Kobonensis Rasbora aurotaenia, Asoka barb, big spot barb. Look then up if you can. Some have solid information.
  6. G

    Pink Zebra Danios with Rosy Barbs ?

    (Dont mind my bad English) I have 7 Rosy barbs in my 40gal tank who are 1.5 - 2.5 inches in sizes. They were living with a gourami(3 spot). The gourami have grown way too big so I've given her back to the fish store. I saw there some beautiful pink zebra danios and was very tempted to buy those...
  7. P

    [HELP ME] What species are these two fishes ?

    Hi everyone, I'm new here so sorry if the formatting isn't what you're used to :) As the title suggest; I need some help pinpointing which species of barb these two fishes are from(Photo down below) While I love fish, I know very little about them and how to properly keep them. Backstory...
  8. B

    Stocking my tank

    Hi guys, I just wanted to see if anyone had issues about how I want to stock my tank, and any way to resolve them. I am getting a 34L tank (almost 8 gallons I think), and am hoping to put in about 5 cherry barbs and a few platys, in that order. I think I would rather have the platys but please...
  9. Verminator89

    Dwarf Chain Loach

    Livestock: Dwarf Chain Loach Quantity: 10 Reason for sale: Too small to go into my upgraded 7x2x2 with the newer bigger cichlids inhabiting. Location: Coventry, West Midlands Collection ONLY. I will not be faffing about with posting i'm afraid. Price £50 for the group. Reasonably priced I'd say...
  10. C

    29 Gal Cherry Barbs Stocking

    Hi! So I'm pretty new to this and I have a 10 gal going strong rn. I made a deal with my boyfriend that at the end of the semester we can get a 29 gallon, which we are researching how to stock. We really want cherry barbs - as many as we can with maybe a centerpiece fish. I have no idea what to...
  11. Tool13x

    Paradise Fish compatability with Barbs and Danios?

    I have a 55 gallon planted tank that is currently stocked with Rosy Barbs, Odessa Barbs, Leopard Danios, Oto cats, and Zebra Loaches. Would I be able to put a Paradise fish or Dwarf Gouarami in there with the current stocking without any issues? I can relocate the Otos to another tank if need...
  12. SteakNShrimp

    Bloated Tiger Barbs?

    A few of my Tiger Barbs seem to have enlarged stomachs. I did some research and came up with - Swim Blatter Disease - Constipation - Dropsy But I’m not sure if my fish have these problems because they aren’t displaying most of the symptoms. They aren’t swimming weird, they are all eating, and...
  13. SteakNShrimp

    55g Centerpiece Fish?

    This is what I am planning so far for my 55g tank. - 24 Tiger Barbs - 5 Denison’s - 1 Rainbow Shark - 3 Zebra loaches - 1 Ram (maybe 2) - 2 Pictus Catfish - maybe a school of an undecided Tetra or Rasbora species Any suggestions on a decently large (but not too large) centerpiece fish...
  14. SteakNShrimp

    Sick Tiger Barb?

    I just got 6 Green Tiger Barbs last night and noticed that one of them looked a little strange around the gills...they are very red. Also some of the Green Barbs are not as active/schooling. Is the batch that I got sick or are they just acclimating to my water? Should I take them back? It’s...
  15. SteakNShrimp

    55g Tank Stocking list

    How’s this for a 55g tank? - 24 Tiger Barbs - 5 Denison’s - 1 Rainbow Shark - 3 Zebra loaches - 1 Dwarf Cichlid/German Blue Ram/Cockatoo Apistogramma (whichever I can find)
  16. SteakNShrimp

    Tiger Barb Questions

    So I have a few questions about Tiger Barbs. What variants are there and are they natural, or have they been dyed or something? I know of the - Regular Tiger Barb - Albino Tiger Barb - Green Tiger Barb - Long Finned Tiger Barb - StrawBerry Tiger Barb - Platinum Green Tiger Barb
  17. SteakNShrimp

    Will these fish work well?

    I have a 55g tank with a few fish already in and I’m planning on adding more. I was wondering if my stocking ideas will work well. Please give me any suggestions and advice for my tank. I already have - 1 Rainbow Shark - 1 Rainbow Fish (Boesemani) - 1 Zebra Loach - 1 Male Marigold Swordtail -...
  18. SteakNShrimp

    Fish acting weird please help!

    I have a 55g tank that houses - 1 Rainbow Shark - 2 Cherry Barbs - 1 Male Swordtail - 1 Zebra Loach I recently (yesterday) added 3 Tiger barbs 2 Green Tiger Barbs and 3 Albino Tiger Barbs as well as 2 Rose-line Sharks/Denison Barbs, a RainbowFish and a Blue CrayFish. The problem is one...
  19. A

    Gourami tank mates and numbers

    I’m cycling my 55 gallon and have a few ideas of things to stock it, but I’m not sure. I was thinking for sure some pearl or dwarf gourami. I do enjoy angel fish and barbs as well. I was wondering how many I should stock along with finding male/females to help keep the aggression down. I’m...
  20. M

    BGK + Tiger Barbs + Bristlenose??

    I just got a new 43 gallon tank and i have a small bgk (12cm) in it at the moment. If i add 3 bristlenose plecos and 10 tiger barbs, will i have a problem with aggression from any of the fish? Thanks if you guys have an answer.
  21. K

    Rosy Barb laying eggs????

    PLEASE HELP!! Hi all, I think my Rosy Barb may be laying eggs? I have 6 plattys, 2 rosy barbs in the 30l tank. I have attached images below, she seems to be a lot bigger than what she was a week ago. And she’s often hiding behind the “rock” we have in the tank which she never used to do. Could...
  22. zuzupc

    Popeye & Pale Odessa Barb

    Tank size: 30 gallon pH: 6.5 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 10-20 kH: n/a gH: n/a tank temp: 72 F Fish Symptoms: For about 8 days now, 1 Odessa Barb is showing symptoms - popeye in one eye, pale (no red stripe, scales are dull not shiny, black spots are faded). Still swimming and eating, but...
  23. J

    Cherry or tiger barbs.

    Hey guys Stocking question for a 30 gallon, PH7.6 I have a 30 gallon tank, probably running (after the cycle) for 2 months now. Sadly a disease killed off my fish and I am left with 1 swordtail 2 bosemans rainbow, 4 green emerald corys and a chinese algae eater. Went to my LFS today to see what...
  24. K

    Tiger barbs dieng at once

    I HAD 6 barbs in a tank with 3 coreys 1 pleco and a puffer. I feed blood worms periodically for barbs and puffer to eat and just the other night i fed blood worms made by sanfrasisco brand and 1 fish died first morning. 2nd one in afternoon. And third one at night and NOW another barb is...
  25. Chippers255

    Only My Tiger Barbs are Dying?

    As the title suggests I have a community tank but only my Tiger Barbs are dying. I woke up this morning and everything seemed fine, an hour later 2 were dead, 1 died this afternoon, and 1 died this evening. Does anybody have any idea what could affect my tiger barbs only? So you have a bit of...
  26. Robbo85

    Golden Barbs Felixstowe East Suffolk

    looking to possibly sell or trade   Golden Barbs Age and condition: 2-3 years old good condition Quantity for sale: 3 Reason for Sale: changing to SA only set up Delivery or Collection: collection only Sales price: £3 for all 3 Willing to Ship :No Postage & Packaging Price:n/a General Location ...
  27. E

    Been A Few Weeks Things Have Settled Down

    hell again  well it has been awhile since i have posted and alot has happened. soooo where to start all my fish are settled in and enjoying life in the tank. i added some serpae tetras and another store called them black skirt tetras so idk???? that is one question. sitting watching these fish...
  28. R

    Cherry Barbs Swiming Upwards, Dining For Exhaustion.

     One day I noticed that one of my older cherry barbs was swimming upward, like he was struggling to stay afloat. I thought it was swim bladder disorder, and I did everything I could, but he died, I think from exhaustion. Then two of my younger barbs stared swimming like they were struggling up...
  29. LyraGuppi

    87 Gallon Stocking

    I have a 87 gallon tank and want it to become a cichild tank. I've decided on a breeding pair of severums (breed undecided) and a "group" of Bolivian rams. I also would like a shoal of rosy barbs. So here is my plan:   2 severum, 1 male 1 female 5 Bolivian rams, 1 male 4 females 8 rosy barbs  ...
  30. T

    What To Add To My 200L Tropical Tank

    Hi   I have had tropical fish tanks for quite a few years now but have all been 100L or less. I now have a 200L tank and would like some help with what fish to add.    It is a planted tank that currently has the following: 2 Bristlenose plecs 5 corys 9 zebra danios 6 golden barbs 3 tiger barbs 3...
  31. mcontra25

    New To Fish Hobby, Looking For Some Advice.

    Hello All,  I just recently inherited a 55 gallon tank that was being occupied by a 8 inch Red Tail Tin Foil Barb and two 6 inch Pictus Catfish. The tank itself came with an External Hanging Agua-Tech 30/60 Power Filter and a External Hanging Aqueion Power Filter 10. I do recognize that Barbs...
  32. G

    After 4 Months, All 4 Of My Tiger Barbs Were Found Dead This Morning;

    I woke up this morning to find all 4 of my tiger barbs dead.  Anyone have any thoughts of why?   55 gallon tank cycled for 3 weeks before adding fish have had fish in the tank for just over 4 months now 2 of the tiger barbs that died were of the first several fish I had populated the tank with...
  33. Kabernick30

    Stocking Question

    I have a 26 gallon tank with driftwood and a few live plants   i currently have.. 1 albino cory catfish 2 platies 1swordtail 1  black phantom tetra   can i add a school of cherry barbs and an angelfish?   im looking to transition to a semi aggressive tank
  34. ChancesMama

    Transferring Fish

    Hello all! I have a small dilemma but I have to have an answer pronto!     I have a 28 gallon tank that is currently housing 8 neon tetras and 4 Cherry Barbs. I've been having a constant struggle with the Ammonia levels and have decided to get rid of all my fish and start over. This being said...
  35. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    Hi folks, well after lowering my tank temperature to 24 over the past 2 days to suit my platies better, I noticed today that there are eggs on the tank wall. Now the only snails I have in the tank are MTS and I believe they are livebearers.   The only egg layers I have are cherry barbs-2 males 4...
  36. N

    $10 Black Ghost Knife, Free Mollies And Cherry Barbs, San Jose Ca

    I am moving and will not be able to take my tank with me. Here is what I have:   Age and condition: female cherry barbs, healthy Quantity for sale: 2 Reason for Sale: moving, can't take with me Delivery or Collection: Collection Sales price: Free Location: San Jose, CA   Age and condition...
  37. sputnick

    A Few Angelfish Related Questions

    OK so i have finally decided to switch my 45 US GAL african american cichlid tank to a community tank! My plan was to have a pair of angels, which brings up my first question.   How would i pair angelfish off? I have never done it before so some tips or input would be great.   Also Is there a...
  38. LiamGoodaire

    Help Me! Questions To Ask! Issues To Resolve!

    Maybe this thread isn't as important as the title implies so firstly my apologies for that. The reason behind the thread is to help resolve some issues I have which have been mentioned in individual threads previously but suffered from lack of attention so I'm putting them all together! Ill...
  39. Brahmza

    Stocking My Community Tank

    I'm semi-new to fish keeping, but I'm looking to make some changes to my tank and want to make sure everything will work out beforehand. I have a 55g tank at 80 degrees stocked with 3 4" Tinfoil barbs, 10 tiger barbs, 8 zebra danios, 2 German blue rams, 2 dwarf gouramis, 2 green Cory, 1 sterbai...
  40. M

    Tank Transfer From 10g To 55g

    I am fairly new to the the hobby and completely new to the forum. i will be getting a new tank due to the $1 gallon sale at the local petco which will either be a 40g breeder or 55 g tank really cant decide. My current tank that i will be transferring from my current tank. A Half Moon/Circle 10g...