bamboo shrimp

  1. Circus

    Bamboo Shrimp?

    Do you guys have any experience with bamboo/wood shrimp? I am thinking about getting a pair for a future tank set up.
  2. Meg0000

    Anyone here has experience with bamboo shrimp?

    Hi, I made a thread about paradise fish tank mates today and tought it would be better to make another one for this. I would like to know if anyone has experience with bamboo shrimp and have more information about them. My goal would be to keep one in 10 gallon with my paradise fish and 2 snails...
  3. N

    Overstocked 10 gallon?

    Hi there, After 23 days of fishless cycling my 10 gallon finally could process 3ppms of ammonia in 24 hours with zero nitrates. Since then I've rescaped (twice!!!) And finally stocked my tank. I put 4 panda corys, one large zebra nerite, one small tiger nerite, and my male koi half moon betta I...
  4. 214jay

    African Giant Fan Shrimp And Bamboo Fan Shrimp Video

    Heya. Sorry for posting so many vids but been playing with my new camera.  I recently got a new African Giant Fan Shrimp and uploaded a vid of him fanning for food...   I also took vids of my Bamboo Shrimp which seem to love the tank You can never...
  5. 214jay

    Bamboo Shrimp Has A New Ride!

    Popped down to watch the tank and notice one of my Bamboo Shrimps had hijacked a Nerite!! He managed to get a lift right across the tank...closer to the filter!!   I thought I would share some pictures as it made me smile after a long day's work!!       Looking happy after his free lift across...