appropriate tank size

  1. S

    Quarantine Tank Size and Filter for Multiple Species

    Hi everyone. I'm planning to set up a quarantine tank for some new additions, and I could use your expertise. I'm planning to quarantine the following fish for 2-4 weeks before introducing them to my main tank: 10 Neon Tetras 4 Boesmani Rainbows 4 Dwarf Neon Rainbows 6 Otocinclus What would...
  2. F

    42 gallon stock help / zebra loach advice

    I’d like help stocking my tank as I’ve heard mixed things online and in pet stores about zebra loaches and a healthy bioload for my tank. I have a 160L / 42 US gallon tank measuring 100cm in length, 50cm high and 40cm wide with plants and driftwood. I have about 20 male guppies in with one...
  3. Honey Fish

    What is best tank size for my goldfish?

    I have a goldfish who now has been for 4 years happy In a 5 gallon tank (but probably 4.5 gal of water) so I heard I need to move him a 3 inch long goldfish into a larger tank now a have in length 39 inches to spare in width I have 8-9 spare inches what tank size should I move to I only really...
  4. F

    Tank dimensions rules

    Hi. I have a 48" long x 10" front to back x 15" high set up with community fish in. Thinking of going bigger. I want to give my fishes more swimming room. Can go to 150cm x 40cm front to back....but how tall? I fancy the 70cm tall from monster shop. But all other brands are long and low. Is this...
  5. L

    I Rescued an Imposter Fish

    Hello all! Long story short...I'm in the beginning stages of setting up a 40 gallon tank (I've had them in the past). I was asked if I wanted to rescue an upside down catfish (in imminent danger of being flushed alive--Seriously!!) so I agreed. I have had upside down catfish before with no...
  6. A


    I am thinking about getting a Black Moor Goldfish. I was wondering what size of tank would be best and if a filter would be needed? At first I was thinking a 5 gallon tank with an air stone, but I’ve seen several people saying they must have a 20 gallon at least? Would a 10 gallon tank be big...
  7. ember04

    How many African dwarf frogs in a 7.5 gallom

    Can anyone help me? I am setting up a 7.5-gallon African dwarf frog tank. The tank will be specifically designed around ADF and will have no other tank mate (maybe a snail but that is it). The tank will be planted in a 'jungle' style so very heavily planted and will have lots of driftwood and...
  8. pkenziep

    Boeseman's rainbowfish in 29g tank?

    I recently accepted to take in a collection of fish a friend told me about that someone was trying to get rid off because they got tired of them. I was told they were about two dozen small fish (tetras, guppies, corries, minnows), so I put them in a 29 gallon tank. What I was not expecting was...
  9. U

    Small Pearl gourami in 60l (15 gallon)

    Hi, I have a 15 gallon tank and Pearl gouramis are usually not recommended. I however have a female who has already mated before that is less than 3 inches. Will she be fine in the 15 gallon or will she grow more even after maturing? My tank has 4 serpae tetra in as well. She looks like...
  10. W

    Malawi Cichlids

    Hello All, I have recently inherited 4 Malawi Cichlids from a friend who could not accommodate them. I have had them for a month now and were originally around 1.5 inches. I’ve seen some growth maybe the largest one not far off 2 inches, but not quite. However I’m currently keeping them within...
  11. F

    Stocking 105L/27 Gallon Tank

    Hi, I have a planted tank that’s in the process of cycling so while I wait I’d like to know how many of each type of fish I can have in my aquarium. Please let me know how to adjust my numbers so that everyone has room and the bioload isn’t exceeded. I have the tetra ‘starter line’ 105L/27...
  12. A

    Dwarf Lionfish Questions

    Hey everyone. im looking into getting my first lionfish And have a few questions. 1. can you have more than one per tank if your tanks big enough? 2. Is 75 gallons big enough for one of these guys. Im looking at tanks sized anywhere from 50 gallons to 90. Whats best? 3. I really wanna just feed...