angelfish slime fraying fins

  1. T

    My Angelfish is very lethargic and hovering at the top.

    I just got him today and he has been like this since then. Always hovering at the top and has even gotta stuck to the filter a few times. I finally moved him in a tank by himself. Just very lethargic but he seems to be chasing the water falling from the filter. His fins are frayed quite a bit. I...
  2. JullienSearfoss

    Fraying Tails.. Now Slime!?

    I had had a tank setup for 3 years now and never had a single problem. Went to PetSmart and got two angelfish from a system where their pumps were failing and stupidly brought them home and added them to my already established tank. There fins were not looking great in the store and once home...