angelfish care

  1. danajs

    Angelfish with red pectoral fin?

    One of our angelfish has had red at the bottom of his/her pectoral fin for around a month now, and we’re just wondering what it could be. He seems fine in himself in that he’s active and feeding, but we don’t know if it’s something to be worried/concerned about. - pH is 7.0/7.5 - Ammonia is 0 -...
  2. K

    Black angelfish

    So my partner came home not long ago with a new resident. A black angelfish. It is not a young one. He visited a local old man who keeps fish and rehomed fish for some of his old friends. This old man used to breed but doesn't anymore. The poor old guy is losing his marbles a little as well as...
  3. T

    my juvenile angelfish have been the same size for the last few month, i don’t know either he healthy or not

    i needed help with my baby angelfish, he has been the first fish to colonize the tank for three months ago but still haven’t grow much yet the tank size is 30 gallons (1 angelfish)is kept with (6 glo fish each around 2 inches) heater and filter are included/ temp is 78 Fahrenheit and 25 degree...
  4. Alexis Hopper

    string of feces hanging, swollen stomach on my angelfish!

    I got my angelfish a little under 2 weeks ago. He’s in a 10 gallon tank with heater, filter, gravel and fake plants. This morning I noticed his abdomen was swollen and he had a red string of feces coming from his bladder. He is still swimming around like he normally does (not sluggish) but I am...