
  1. Tacocat

    Anacharis melt?

    Hi there, I just noticed that all of the anacharis in my tank is undergoing a random-seeming melt. For context, the anacharis has been in my tank for about 6 months, and we grew it from a single dying stem that came with some shrimp we bought. Anyway, now almost all the anacharis is melting...
  2. N


    Hi, I was just wondering if you have to plant Anacharis or if I can leave it floating. I don’t have enough substrate at the bottom to plant it right now, it’ll just float up. Should I get more substrate and plant it? Thanks!
  3. Retired Viking

    Starting a new anacharis forest for my ember tetras.

    I was able to find a little more anacharis and decided to start another Anacharis forest for my ember tetra. I planted it yesterday and my ember tetra moved right in. All 5 of them were in it this morning. The last anacharis forest was at the other end of the tank before I lost most of it. I...
  4. Retired Viking

    Good news, I was able to buy some anacharis today

    Went to the LFS today and was able to buy some anacharis,:yahoo: They received a small shipment of plants but there was some anacharis. I bought some and have it in a plastic container. I added some flourish comp. It was not as dark a green as what they have had in the past and the plants are...
  5. Retired Viking

    My sunken forest tank without anacharis.

    My tetra sunken forest tank had a nice anacharis arch and forest :wub: that I made with long anacharis plants. I have been softening my tank water with RO and unfortunately my anacharis began to melt. It was over 3 feet long at one time :(. I have now removed what little was left. I added more...
  6. Barry Tetra

    Plants from river questions

    Hello me again lol, So as you guys know I’ve found Anacharis in the river which is next to my house and near the clothing factory which exposed chemicals to water everyday. Is there anyway to make the Anacharis safe for fish tanks?
  7. W

    Tetra Ideas For 20 Gallon Tall

    I have a 20 gallon tall planted tank, thats been dirted with mineralized top soil with peat added and pool filter sand as the cap. I also have some bunches of Anacharis growing. Its only stocked with 4 cory's right now, but i have a pair of German blue rams i'm adding soon. All that aside, I'm...
  8. thrujenseyes

    A Heartfelt Thank You To Everyone Here And Some Pics Of The Babies&#33

    I would like to thank all the awesome members that have helped me get back into the hobby that I so loved years ago.   I was able to cycle my little tank (fishless) in 18 days and it looks amazing.   It's now home to 5 adorable little endler guppies that are so insanely active and colorful that...
  9. thrujenseyes

    My Anacharis Plants Are Dying

    Hello,   I'm still new here and unsure if I'm posting in the correct place... Sorry.   But my anacharis plants are getting "clear" losing color and some leaves are falling off.   I haven't yet started the cycling (fishless) yet as I'm waiting on my heater (should be here within a day or so). I...