ammonia poisoning

  1. H

    How to help betta with possible ammonia burns?

    Okay, I posted about a betta fish I took from a pet store yesterday, since he had some pale coloring on/by his fins and lips that worried me, but I only got one reply that said I shouldn't worry. Now though, I definitely have something to worry about, mainly because my tank had an ammonia spike...
  2. A

    Need help emergency! Betta and cardinal terra

    Bit of a long post but please read all PLEASE NOTE I am brand new to this and have only had my fish for around 1 week : I Have got a 30L tropical tank, which was left cycling for nearly 2 weeks before any fish went in. There is lots of live plants also some plastic ones, lots of hiding spots...
  3. B

    Green coating on scales - help with guppies

    Hi! I have two guppies that seem to have what looks like green algae growing on their scales. One is acting normally, while one is sort of lethargic, hanging up in the corner. A third guppy has no green film, but doesn't seem to be swimming well. Just seems weakened. We'd been having a lot of...
  4. S

    Did I Contaminate My New 20G Tank?

    I bought a 5.5gal tank and put 3 fancy guppies in it.  The tank is heated and has HOB filter.  I only waited a week to add the guppies not realizing that I should have done a fishless cycle first.  It has been 3 weeks now.   I was checking the ammonia on a daily basis and doing 20-50% water...
  5. F

    Does A Water Softener Affect The Good Bacteria When Cycling A New Tank

    Ok, so ive been having problems. I made a bunch of rookie mistakes and now trying to tix them. I have had to move fish to another new tank to keep from dying. They are doing well and tank levels are near perfect for now. But it needs to cycle and was only a quick fix, i know. So on the 10 gal i...