ammonia deaths

  1. B

    White cloud minnow - ammonia or parasite?

    Hi all, we have had a small 12L tank for about 3 years, started with 5 WCMM but after about 18 mths, over a period of about 6mths, one by one they started getting skinny with fins down, floating at top or bottom, then dying. Usually over a period of 2-3 days and water change didn’t help. We...
  2. S

    Weird Pea Puffer Behavior

    I recently was given two new pea puffers. A friend of mine thought they'd be fine in a 2 gallon tank so he bought them last week thinking they were cute. He soon realized after a day or two they were too much work, and handed them over to me. I had an empty 10 gal, but it wasn't cycled upon...
  3. O

    Help! Black ghost knife fish in distress!

    I'm new to the forum. Forgive me if this post doesn't belong here. We lost everything in the flooding from Hurricane Matthew. Me tanks were without heat, filtration, and aeration for 4 days. Once I was able to rescue my fish, I was only able to put everyone into a 30 gallon hex. We are in a...
  4. jimboshrimp

    Im Worried About Adding More Fish Shrimps Etc After All The Problems I

    Hi all As you probably know I've had a few problems after firstly doing fish in cycle 3 zebra danios 3 golden barbs (thanks to advice from pets at home ) then had ammonia problems (sorted that out)  after getting everything on even keel a few weeks later added some more fish 5 neon tetras from...