
  1. J

    Mixing Cichlids

    I currently have a community tank with a Golden sevrum around 3-4”, I am wanting to change to an African Cichlid tank. How would the sevrum be along with Malawi cichlid ?
  2. R

    Looking For Sand Sifting Fish Under 4 Inches (10cm)

    Hello everyone, Currently I have in my planted 50g 9 bronze corydoras. 3 marbled crayfish 15 ramshorn snails 15 tiger barbs (Plan to have a pair for Electric blue Acaras) From those the only ones I see are the snails and barbs, so I want to re-home the corys... I'm looking for a fish that...
  3. Flinkbag

    Re-Stocking 4Ft Tank With American Cichlids

    Hey all!   So I want to re-stock my tank after moving my Bala and Rainbow Sharks onto new homes, and I was considering getting some small-medium sized American Cichlids. Problem is, I have no idea who to choose! So I need some suggestions as to who would be suitable to live in a 200 litre mixed...