
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. D

    Algae! About ready to abandon my tank

    75 gallon planted tank, discus, neons, Siamese algae eaters, plecos. If anything, over filtered. Maintains 78-80 degrees. Lots of light. Purchased plants brought black beard algae. Been fighting it ever since. Other algae (green) sticks to EVERYTHING. Hypochlorite won't even bleach or...
  2. J

    Growth on driftwood

    I don't even know if this is algae but if you guys can ID it I'd be so grateful. I just kinda noticed it a month ago but it kinda blends in till now, I only see it when I focus my sight on it, lol. I'm concerned now because I've never seen a post about this so far.
  3. KayleighC97

    Beginner - Algae & dirty gravel?

    Hi! I bought this fish tank about 3 months ago (38 litre). I have had fish in there for roughly 2 months as I ensured I cycled it well beforehand. The past month I’ve had this algae looking stuff on the driftwood and also the Java fern (but mainly the driftwood). My gravel is also quite brown...
  4. Yossu

    Plants not doing very, could do with some advice

    Thanks to loads of great help here, I set up a goldfish tank, which currently has four fish in it. Before anyone tells me off, I know they will outgrow this tank, and I'm already contemplating a pond 😎 The tank is a 24" cube, which is tall enough to mean that I need quite strong lighting to...
  5. C

    What is this? Is it harmful? How do I get rid of it?

    This white stuff showed up the other day, I think it was maybe the day after a water change? Does anyone know what it is or how to get rid of it? I first noticed it on the plants (none of the plants are new) and now it seems to be on the substrate too. My tank currently has 3 old guppies (I...
  6. MothMeat

    is this algae ??

    is this algae ?? how do i get rid of it
  7. Hmarie37

    What kind of algae is this?

    Does anyone know what kind of algae this is? Also maybe the implications this algae says about the health of my tank? Just curious! :)
  8. M

    Ambient light = algae?

    Quick question if you don't mind. I have a window about 5 feet from my tanks and while they aren't getting direct sunlight there is definitely ambient light coming through. My algae isn't out of control but wondering if you think it'd be a good idea to black out the window or if I should reduce...
  9. M

    New planted tank light question

    So I had these lights from when I had a reef tank (Ocean Revive Arctic T247). Currently been running 2 weeks with 1 dwarf black ram my friend had to get rid of. I'm starting to get a redish brown algae on some of the plants and rocks. Had the lights set at 25% white 15% blue for 8hrs for the...
  10. yzaylakeepsfish

    Is this a new type of Hydra?

    I found these turbine shape micro-organisms in my tank. They seems like hydra where they have a stem and branches, but hydra branches are thin but mine is big.
  11. yzaylakeepsfish

    2 Eukaryotes fighting from my tank

    2 Eukaryotes fighting?, 1 in a turbine shape, 1 as a blob. They were found on my scraper while I was scraping algae. Edit: they weren't fighting, the keratella rotifer (blob) accidentally sucked onto the hydra (turbine shape).
  12. yzaylakeepsfish

    What algae is this? (ID this algae with its scientific name)

    I found this algae from my fish tank. What is the the scientific name of the algae circled? Seems like microspora.
  13. AlphaMoon

    What is this?

    The black algae like stuff is almost impossible to get rid of. How do I get rid of it? When I cleaned off the hide it came off like a black slime of some sort. Pls help
  14. PygmyMitch

    White Fluffy / Fuzzy Algae

    So i have added some driftwood to my tank about 5 days ago. The drift wood was sat in a bucket of water for a week beforehand. I have used this driftwood in my tank in the past, and dont remember having any previous problems with it. However it has this white fluffy / fuzzy algae growing to it...
  15. danajs

    Acrylic Magnetic Algae Cleaner?

    We’re looking for a magnetic algae cleaner/scraper that is suitable for acrylic aquariums. I know there are loads on the market, but the trouble we’re having is finding one big enough for a 31mm thick acrylic aquarium in the UK. We’ve asked a few local aquatics stores and they can’t even order...
  16. ella777

    How/when should I clean my filter?

    How should I clean my filter and when? I used to have a 70l uk filter and I cleaned it fully with tap water. Apparently that's really bad? I now have a 200l uk tank with a powerful filter for 500l - 800l. I've only had the tank running for about 2 weeks. I decided to do a fish in cycle, all of...
  17. ella777


    I'm confused. I recently acquired 4 algae eating snails, I'm not sure what species they are. They arent nerite snails, they're covered in algae so I really can't tell. I've noticed one of them has a white mark on its underside, I can only see it when it's on the glass. I'm not sure if its eggs...
  18. G

    Canister Skill Issue? Or Marineland Messup?

    I have a 30gal and switched from an HoB to a Marineland Magniflow 220 canister filter approximately 5 weeks ago (Im only using the provided media, no custom stuff). I left my HoB running for a week, just to help get the new filter up and running. For the first few weeks, it was working like a...
  19. B

    Beige see-through spots on plants (pics)

    Hello all! I hope you’re well! I’m currently after some answers as I can’t find them anywhere, I’ve had my planted tropical aquarium roughly 4 months, and yesterday I noticed what appeared to be these see through beige spots on two of my live plants and my seachem ammonia checker which is on the...
  20. Sparklehoofs

    Can anyone identify this white dust on anubias?

    Hi, I have a lot of tanks. All have been running fine for months. Some heavily planted. 2 planted tanks have just turned upside down and have no idea why. 1 had only green spot algae and I just removed the plant it was affecting before dosing with phosphate to fix this. The second tank had...
  21. M

    Algae in new tank & plant issue

    I’m in the process of cycling my new tank and I now have algae growing. Am I doing something wrong? How can I stop it? Also I’m unsure if this plant is dying and what I should do. My other plants are thriving
  22. Woodlol

    What is This!?

    I've never seen these before... are they algae? A worm if some kind? They look like tiny green anemones in my planted 30gal. The only occupants atm are 4 oto cats. I scrubbed them off the sides of the tank my snails are avoiding them like the devil, physically rearing to avoid them...
  23. Tl52505

    Beneficial bacteria

    I just completely redid my 40 gal tank after most of my fish died from ich. I took water from that tank and put it into my old 10 gal for now, but it started to turn slightly green. My stepdad who keeps fish said I should put that water back in because it had beneficial bacteria that the fish...
  24. AmyKieran

    Brown algae in gravel

    I have brown algae in the gravel only at the front of my tank. I own a bristlenose pleco which seems to help but not entirely remove it, any advice on this? Thanks
  25. L

    My Cory died after only 2 days and now I am worried that something is wrong with my tank!

    Hi! I have bought a cory and died no long after max 1/2 days. I never had issues with putting fishes in my tank since I had it (6 months). I am worried my tank might have some toxic algae because it has a electric Blu green algae that's never been there before! So I am worried for my other...
  26. L

    Plastic plant cleaner advice

    Does anyone have any tips or tricks with plastic plant cleaner? Currently using some that comes in a tab form, you soak for 8+ hours, then rinse and soak with a neutralising agent for further 8 hours. I've done my rocks as it says you can use on those, algae has gone from green to brown, seems...
  27. S


    Guys only recently i posted both my goldfish having finrot....and they healed...moved em to the main again the 2nd goldfish is having severe finrot again incase if yall...
  28. G

    Algea growing on window/plants?

    So I've had this roughly 50 gallon tank for just over a month now. I've done 1 water change of about 50% about 2 weeks ago. And I'm now noticing this brown stuff on the front glass, there's some on the back glass too. I'm just wanna make sure it just algae, or is it something I should be worried...
  29. CozyCat

    What type of algae is this?

    Hello! Going through the algae waves in my new tank, has been set up for a couple months now. All running smoothly and my cories and 3 guppy gals are doing great. There are a couple types of algae growing on the moss and wood I have in the tank, and I was wondering if anybody knows what kind...
  30. H

    Unknown algae taking over my tank

    Hi all I have had my tropical tank for a year now and things have been stable however over the past month or so i have noticed this red/brown hair like algae growing on my plants/wood and decorations.I try to remove it and the next week it has come back.When looking online and different algae...
  31. S

    Cichlid tank bottom feeders?

    Hello! I have a 125 gallon cichlid tank with a green terror, golden severum, blood parrot, jewel, convict, and a terror/acara hybrid (surviving baby). I’m looking for some bottom feeders to help clean up the tank a little bit, substrate, rocks, and glass. We’ve tried three plecos so far and none...
  32. ellamay

    Green hair algae & cleaning tips

    Before I start, I realize I should've taken a 'before photo' of my algae situation, but I didn't think about posting here until I'd finished cleaning. So the photo attached is the after photo. So a couple of weeks ago I noticed green hair algae growing on a couple of my plants so today I...
  33. C

    Algae Identification/Help?

    This thing grew in my tank. Can anyone please tell me what it is, what caused it, and how to remove it? Parameters (API five-in-one test kit): 26-28 degC pH 6.3-6.5 nitrate ~15 mg/L; nitrite ~0.2 mg/L carbonate hardness ~40 mg/L general hardness ~100 mg/L water change: 50% per week* *I was...
  34. B

    Green Algae?

    Hey Everyone I'm thinking it's green algae and I should cut down on the amount of time the light is on (12h atm). How do you balance algae and live plants with light?
  35. N

    Algae problem

    Hi everyone, I am so very new to this absolutely amazing hobby. I have searched algae growth but no answers suit my tank - I assume advice is very specific to the tank set up. So here goes.. I have an algae problem! I have a planted tank. nitrate, nitrite, ammonia levels 0 I wipe the tank glass...
  36. CarloM12

    Don’t understand my tank….

    Hello everyone, I’ve had my 75 gallon planted tank for over 2 years now, and it feels like nothing really grows or does anything and I’m not sure why. There’s a fluval spectrum LED light meant for plants on about 10 hours a day, using NA Thrive once a week as a complete fertilizer which is...
  37. C

    Amano Shrimps?

    Hello all, I'm wondering how much extent will amano shrimps reduce algae growth and clean up remaining food on the substrate? Currently, I have eight danios, two amano shrimps, two bristlenose catfish, and one albino cory catfish in a 10-gallon tank. There are occasional leftover danios...
  38. C

    Fertilizer Problems / Green Spot Algae

    This conversation originated from this thread, but I moved the discussion here since it's becoming more of an algae problem. Tank setup: eight danios, two amano shrimps, two bristlenose catfish, and one albino cory catfish 10-gallon tank water temperature: 24-26.5 degC (75-79.7 degF) currently...
  39. E

    Black mould in tank

    I’ve only recently become a fish owner! Started my tank about 6 months ago, I’ve noticed some algae or mould furry looking on my castle ornament and wondered if this is harmful or dangerous? And if so the best way to get rid of it ☺️
  40. crupp29

    Unidentified Algae on Driftwood

    I found this growing in my tank... I think it’s algae, but I’m not completely sure. I just set up my tank a few days ago and I have driftwood, rock, substrate, and a couple of plants so far. I have only noticed it on the pieces of driftwood. I am planning on adding fish this weekend. I have had...