#advice #mediumfish #10ltank

  1. K

    Help, Confusion About Treating Ich

    Hello, I am new to the aquatic world and just got my first fish last Saturday: 1 betta and 5 tiger barbs (I've read that the tiger barbs can be aggressive towards bettas, but they were housed together at the pet shop and I haven't had any issues with them). Because of limited transportation (I...
  2. L

    10L Tank - I Know it's small. Fish advice please

    You Ok, I have owned guppies in this tank before, and it went quite well, but it has been about 5 years since. My boyfriend and I want to set up my tank that I just found after many years, if we could own a large tank we would but we just don't have the space. I used to own guppies and smaller...