60 litre

  1. B

    50/60 litre tank?

    Hiya! Ive kept fish before but never tropical fish (both my parents have though) and just wondered what kind of fish i can keep together and how many as do NOT want to overcrowd. ive had platys and goldfish in the past now want something a bit more exotic! also random other question, what’s...
  2. K

    Opinions on non rectangle tanks

    Hi, Still searching for an ideal 60 l tank. I can't have horizontal rectangle one but was looking at the fluval 57 litre or: -tetra-aquaart-explorer-tropical-tank-60-litre what's people's opinions on this tank? Many thanks x
  3. Fishywishy333

    Changing My Substrate

    Hi everyone AGAIN :P , so I am wanting to change my substrate to small, round gravel. This is because my gravel is a little sharp just now and I am getting 5 dwarf loaches to help with the algae.    I need help on what to do so I don't - like - restart the tank or anything like that.    Hope you...