
  1. T

    55 gallon stocking questions/suggestions part 2

    Hi I set up a 55 gallon aquarium and I have some stocking ideas from a previous post. - Already cycled * Ph = 7.8 - 8.52 units. * GH = 159 - 164 ppm * Calcium = 47 - 78.5 ppm Fish I'm thinking about stocking with: - 2 Large schools of tetra (probably cardinals and something else) - 3 oto cats...
  2. T

    55gallon stocking suggestions

    Hi, just set up a 55 gallon aquarium and I'm not sure what I should stock it with. My city's water is considered hard I believe. * Ph = 7.8 - 8.52 units. * GH = 159 - 164 ppm * Calcium = 47 - 78.5 ppm Some Ideas I've had were: - Tetra Tank with 5 or six large schools of tetra - Angel Fish Tank...
  3. Ellie Potts

    Best filter

    So it finally happen, my c-360 MarineLand canister filter quit after 10 years of use in a few different tanks. I now need a replacement for my 55 gallon tank. The obvious option is to order the updated version of that canister filter off of MarineLands website for ~$120 or something, but before...
  4. Ellie Potts

    Bettas and eels...

    Perhaps this is a question for the oddball section, but does anyone know if I could keep female betta fish and a peacock eel in the same tank provided it's a 55 or 65 gallon with plenty of backup tanks?
  5. T

    Lots of Aquatic Plant Questions

    Hi, I'm planning to start my first planted aquarium but I have alot of questions even after doing a week of research. I wanna make sure to do this right, so if anyone could answer some of these questions that would be great! 1. What hardy beginner plants can I tie on wood and rocks? Is there...
  6. A

    What to add to my tank

    I have a 55 gallon freshwater tank with: 7 tiger barbs 6 neon tetras 5 white skirt tetras 4 albino Cory cats 1 Rainbow Shark I was wondering what other fish I could add to the tank. I’m open to any suggestions.
  7. SteakNShrimp

    55g Tank Stocking list

    How’s this for a 55g tank? - 24 Tiger Barbs - 5 Denison’s - 1 Rainbow Shark - 3 Zebra loaches - 1 Dwarf Cichlid/German Blue Ram/Cockatoo Apistogramma (whichever I can find)
  8. SteakNShrimp

    Rainbow Fish recommendations

    I’m not completely familiar with all the types/colors of Rainbow Fish, but I’d like a few in my 55g. Anyone know some nice looking Rainbow Fish that will grow to a max of 4-5 in? I want to get each one with a different color, so probably 5 different species...preferably that can be easily...