Hey everyone! I have a 55g tank newly cycled and I'm really excited to put some stuff in it... but I don't know what. It's over filtered with a canister pumping 360 gph and two, 200 watt heaters that will keep the tank at any temperature. My heating probe allows for a very stable temp with a...
Hi, I have a 55 gallon tank with:
- Neon Tetras
- Cherry Barbs
- Pygmy Corys
- 1 Angel
I recently added a Large Golden Gourami to the tank and it's been hiding from me for the past 3 days. It seems fine when im at a distance and it can't see me, but as soon as i approch the tank it quickly...
Hi, I have a freshwater 55 gallon tank that im re-doing and am uncertain what to stock it with.
Here are some of the ideas I'm playing around with so far:
- Discus with some sort of tetras
- Angels with some sort of tetras
Maybe add loaches too.
Are these good combinations? What would be your...
Hi guys, made a few of these posts in the past but I think I finally have it sussed what I want!
- Adolfoi Cory x6
- Bronze Cory x6
- Silver Hatchetfish x8
- Neon Dwarf Rainbow x6
- Red Neon Rainbow (Pseudomugil luminatus) x6
- Siamese Algae Eater (True SAE) x1 (or x3 if you think its...
I’m cycling my 55 gallon and have a few ideas of things to stock it, but I’m not sure. I was thinking for sure some pearl or dwarf gourami. I do enjoy angel fish and barbs as well. I was wondering how many I should stock along with finding male/females to help keep the aggression down. I’m...
Hi i have a brand new 55 gallon tank and i have a few stocking question.
Can i house 5-7 Angelfish, a ghost knife, a school of barbs and a red tailed shark? Also what are some other stocking suggestions. i really like angelfish and i want to build this tank around them. what is a good...