
  1. K

    Looking for a new tank

    i currently have a 15g fish tank, but my corydoras had babies a few months ago and have outgrown the breeder box that they are in. I have about 10 new corys and am looking for a new tank. I want something longer rather than taller and something around 20-30 gallons maybe 40 but can’t find...
  2. jimbooo

    Need Ideas - Suggestions As To New Set Up Please

    Hi All,   i need your brains as i have a mental block.   i have had a disaster in one of my office tanks over the weekend. its a Juwel Rio180 (40G). currently a malawi cichlid set up with lots of rocks etc.   the tank split a seam on saturday half way up and dumped 20G on the office floor...
  3. GriffinC18

    20 Gal- 40 Gal Tanks

    So i have been looking for a 20-40 gallon tanks, for a decent price. I have yet to really find what i am looking for, so i thought why not ask the people who own fish?   It can be a setup (one that includes the filter and heater in box) if the price is decent.   or just the aquarium that you...