36 bowfront

  1. F

    Filter for 36 gallon bowfront aquarium

    Hello, I just finished cycling my 36 gal bowfront tank that’s using a Fluval 70 filter. I chose this filter after seeing lots of people mention that the Fluval 50 wouldn’t be powerful enough for my tank size. Right now, I have a few Zebra Danios that I just moved into the new tank and within the...
  2. Annemarie

    White Patch Neon Tetra

    Hello! So as of a few days ago my largest fish seemed to develop a white patch overnight on his fin. It looks like it’s a little fuzzy? But I’m not sure. I have aquarium salt I could use, but I have a shrimp (ghost) and dont know if he would be okay in salted water. I know how to use aquarium...
  3. Annemarie

    Adding Fish

    Hello! So after a little over four weeks of cycling my aquarium is finally ready for fish. There are some plants and all that and they look happy so I don’t think anything is wrong (parameters are testing at 0 for nitrite and ammonia) but that’s not quite my question. On Sunday I added 3 neon...