3 gallon tank

  1. I

    Correct dosage of Melafix for my 3 gallon tank. Safe for plants? Should I do my Bettas treatment in a seperate tub?

    I recently got Melafix and Jungle Fungus cure. Wondering which one is safer to use and quicker to treat my beta with. I am also wondering what exact dosage to use in a 3 gallon tank. And what the correct dosage to use jungle fungus clear in a 3 gallon of it is better to use that. Help asap! I...
  2. B

    My inherited betta is very sick and I can't figure out what's wrong

    Hi all, I am trying to figure out what's wrong with my poor fish and I'm having no luck. Backstory: teenage nephew bought a male betta fish, Poppy, about 8 months ago from a pet shop. Nephew took really poor care of his pet, including alternating overfeeding/forgetting to feed, not cycling the...
  3. joeishere

    Should I "recycle" my tank?

    So I've been thinking about getting about a 3 gallon tank for some yellow cherry shrimp and some snails. My girlfriend already had a 3 gallon that she is willing to give me, that she has already cycled. But she hasn't touched it in awhile or fed the bacteria. So I was wondering should I...
  4. B

    Best Species for 3 Gallon with Live Plants

    Hey everyone, I’m new to the forums, but I’ve personally kept fish for the past 12 years (I’m 17). Yesterday I restarted my rank with new fish as my tetras just kept dying to the filter. Water was warm enough, filter clean, feeding them twice a day, and no predatory fish. In the end, my two...
  5. R

    Splitting freshwater stock between 3 gallon and new 5 gallon

    Right now I have a 3 gallon planted nano freshwater tank, cycled, heated, and filtered. Living in it are 1 Betta, 1 mystery snail, 1 pom pom crab, and some random MTS & pond snails. There's 3 anubias nana, 2 marimo balls, 1 3x3" moss carpet, two small slate rocks covered in Christmas moss, and a...