
  1. R

    Tank ideas, switching substrate?

    I have had this 29 gallon freshwater tank for a little over a year and I want to change it up, the blue substrate has spots on it and I frankly think it’s kinda ugly. I was thinking of doing black sand, but I’m now leaning towards white sand, would this look good? I also want to know if anyone...
  2. Jacks12003

    Tank mates for a Jack Dempsey

    I have a Jack Dempsey cichlid and a Florida pleco in a 29g tank. Both are about 3.5 to 4 inches long. The Jack Dempsey has been extremely aggressive to every other fish in the tank except for the pleco and a convict cichlid that was in his tank when I first got him (who has since died). He is...
  3. Demeter32

    29gal Shell-Dweller Colony

    Set up the old cichlid fry tank and turned it into a home for Neolamprologus multifasciatus aka the multi banded cichlid! I've been looking for these bad boys for at least a year. Finally found some and they were not cheap. I bought 5 for 15$ a piece, so 75$ for approx. 4 inches of fish... Let's...
  4. Demeter32

    Try for the "blackwater" look

    I very recently learned about black water aquariums and am trying to figure things out with a 10 gallon before possibly doing a 20 gallon. I decided not to mess with changing the pH but if it does change after adding leaves and driftwood, then that's okay. So far, I've added a bunch of oak...