29 gal

  1. frogfanboy

    29 gallon stocking?

    Hello all, First time posting on here but I need some advice. I recently got a 29 gallon tank and I'm looking for some advice on what to put in it. I already have some fish I moved in from an old tank, but it feels under stocked and going off of the inch per gallon rule I currently have...
  2. Annemarie

    29 gallon stocking

    Hi! After a long wait I’ve finally convinced all those I live with to allow me to keep a larger tank. It’s goimg to be a 29 long and I was going to take a look at filters later depending on how the stocking idea proceeds. I’ll have smooth pebble substrate for the loach (mentioned later) and I...
  3. nixie_myth

    Stocking A 29 Freshwater Tank

    I have a Cycled 29 Gallon Aquarium, I'm looking for something to put in it. My original idea was Loaches but my local supply is not very healthy. Doesn't really matter if its a schooling fish or a show. Just want something pretty that is relatively easy to care for.
  4. alvintayyw

    Stocking ideas

    Hey guys, this is my 29 gallon tank. Tank has been cycled and the parameters, pH is 7.2 and GH is 80-100 which is soft. What do you think i should have this stocked with? i would like a community tank, things i really want in it are a nice clean up crew...I don't plan on putting plants because...
  5. E

    Aggressive Fish, goldfish, and tanks.

    Hi! I'm posting in a bunch of forums because I really need help... At my job we have a fish tank and its not doing well. They have had it for years, far before I started, and the staff who used to take care of it left. Since then it was periodically taken care of by someone else, but the tank...
  6. L

    Livebearing Tank And All My Issues.

    To start, my name is Melissa.  I live in Iowa, USA.  I have lots of tanks over the years, my first was when I was 16 and it was a 20 gallon eclipse form Petsmart.  My sister bought it for my as a birthday gift.  For this tank, she bought me 2 black moors and I loved them. I went on spring break...