
  1. gilltyascharged

    Stocking Poll, Round #2: I've Narrowed Down the Nanos.

    Due to a few technical difficulties (read: me being unable to figure out how to change settings on a poll), I decided to revamp and roll out a new and updated version of my original "Needing Help Deciding on What to Put in 6.6g/25L Tank!" poll. Tank Information- Dimensions are 16"/41cm x...
  2. gilltyascharged

    Any Experience with Parasphaerichthys lineatus?

    Recently I was having a look through SeriouslyFish, and found these little guys (https://www.seriouslyfish.com/species/parasphaerichthys-lineatus). Does anyone have any experience keeping them, or know someone who has? I was thinking about possibly getting a small group for my 25L, and maybe...
  3. LibertyMoore

    New To Fish-Keeping!

    Hi,   I have never kept fish before, but have just bought a 25L fish tank. I know 25L is not very big, but I do not have any room for anything larger.I am not planning to have many fish, but I wondered if anyone can give me any advice on what fish I can keep in this tank? I don't want them to...
  4. nortonmad213

    Getting Everything Ready For My New Guy

    hi everyone. i spoke to some of you in chat last night about this but was just after a little bit of clarification.  im setting up my old 25l for a male betta its all cycled but is purely just a tank water and filter atm. i have a heater just not in there yet to save electricity. my plan is for...