#20g #danios #cory #tankmates #snail #tetras

  1. A

    20 gal. stocking ideas

    Hi everyone! I'm looking at getting a 20-gallon tank in the next few months, but I'd like to figure out my stocking before I decide on the specific tank/plants/decor/etc. I'm having trouble deciding on an exact combination (too much to chose from!) and would appreciate some brainstorming. I'm...
  2. ElizabethFrancine

    Tankmate suggestions

    Hi there. My 20g aquarium is currently home to 5 zebra danios and 6 corys (5 panda, 1 peppered). I am wondering what might make some good tank mates for these fish? I thought it might be great to have a school of neon tetras, but would they get in the danios way? I was also planning on...