
  1. T

    What To Add To My 200L Tropical Tank

    Hi   I have had tropical fish tanks for quite a few years now but have all been 100L or less. I now have a 200L tank and would like some help with what fish to add.    It is a planted tank that currently has the following: 2 Bristlenose plecs 5 corys 9 zebra danios 6 golden barbs 3 tiger barbs 3...
  2. OcTiCs

    Burramundi In A 200L Tank (Bad Or Ok)

    A month ago i had a barrimundi at 10cm long in a 200L tank. I ended up getting rid of him by taking him to a local aquarium store and they took him. The reason i gave him away was because it would eat anything smaller then him which made it hard to get the fish that i wanted in my tank.     Is...