1. gh74

    My Juwel Lido 200

    just thought i would show my little Juwel lido 200        
  2. D34DLY

    Stocking A 59 Us Gallon Freshwater Aquarium

    Hey Guys,   So I'm not new to the scene of fish keeping, but this is by far the largest design I've done. So due to a lack of knowledge in fish species, I need some help with what to choose!   I currently have a tank which is: 222 litres (58.6 US Gallons) It's filter is the: Tetratec EX1200...
  3. Sophie

    Picking Up My 3Rd Tank Today - Q&a

    So with Pets at Home having a 20% off all tanks this Friday - Monday, and I already get 20% off.. I thought I'd get another tank while I could so I've ordered the Fluval Roma 200 which is the biggest one they do.   The question is, if I were to put my 6 Clown Loaches (tiny) into it, would I be...