
  1. D

    My journey into the nano world

    Hi all. New face to the forum but a long time fish keeper with a big interest in tropical set ups. I usually keep larger tanks, but recently have had a sudden fascination with smaller nano set ups and the beauty of some of the fish that people have been keeping in them. Fast forward to now...
  2. FungusTrooper

    Best Filtration For A 15G Tall Betta Tank

    Hey all.   I have a tall 15g planted tank with 1 male betta and 2 trilineatus corys. I currently have a small internal filter and a bubble stone in the tank, along with the plethora of plants. I want to provide enough oxygen for the fish (the betta swims about constantly and sometimes gulps for...
  3. Brahmza

    New 15G Tank! What To Breed!?

    Hey everyone! I'm looking for ideas on a small fish to breed in a 15g tank. I'm looking for a fish that will raise their fry, or at least somewhat participate in raising the fry. Currently breeding Multies in a 20g long and German Blues in a standard 55g. Any ideas would be appreciated!