1. Linkandnavi

    Stocking a 450L

    Evening everyone, My 450L (approx 119 US gallon) recently finished cycling. 150 x 50 x 60cm. I'm in the process of slowly stocking it over the next few months. I've not run a tank of this size before so I'm feeling my way in with the stocking levels. At the moment, it has two Siamese Algae...
  2. V

    Juwel Lido 120 Stocking Advice

    Hi all,   I am setting up a new 120 litre Juwel Lido tank the dimensions of which are: 61 x 41 x 58 cm.   I will run two filters, the internal provided Juwel Bioflow 3.0 filter, plus an external Fluval 206 filter. I will not be having plants, but will have an additional air stone, with pettex...
  3. J

    What Fish Should I Breed?

    I'm looking for a fish to breed in a 120 litre tank I want a colourful and a fish that won't eat it's own eggs the majority of the time, I want a fish that sells for quite a bit too was going to breed electric blue rams but I don't really know yet could someone give me some advice. My tank! Ph...