100 gallon

  1. P

    How many of these fish can I keep in this tank?

    I have a 75 gallon and a 100 gallon aquarium, and I would like to know how many rope fish and Senegal bichirs I can keep together in each tank (if possible). I don't think that aggression will be a problem, because the rope fish will be larger than the bichir. I would prefer to keep them in my...
  2. Circus

    Fahaka Puffer Potential Tank Mates?

    For a 48 inch long 100 gallon aquarium, ph 7.4 , and110 ppm hwrdness. So, as far as I know, Fahaka Puffers should be kept alone. Can they be kept peacefully with other fish? Someone brought it up recently that some large puffer species can be kept with other fish.