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  1. AquaNerd

    Calling All Catfish Lovers

    Meaty the Peppered Cory and Minnie her Sterbai sidekick are always together :nod: isn't working..sorry
  2. AquaNerd

    Honey, Blue Or Flame Dwarf Gourami

    Hello I love my little meatball of a Peppered Cory btw. They are such fun to watch. I have had my Dwarf Neon Blue Gourami for a few months now and I love his colors. They shimmer and turn color a bit at different times of day it seems. He's not just moping in one area all the time and I like...
  3. AquaNerd

    Shy Pictus

    Some are pretty shy, yes. I don't remember if they are more active and out and about when young and have more than one in the tank. I think I read that they prefer to be alone as an adult. Someone please cortrect if wrong. I have a 5" nocturnal albino Pic. Even when he comes out of his cave or...