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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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    White Threads On Glass

    Some background in case it's useful. the tank has been running for ten months now. The Mopani wood has been in since the start with no ill effects. Boiled and soaked etc before adding. I had a loach which used to hoover up all sorts of detritus around the tank and the threads have only appeared...
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    White Threads On Glass

    Thanks TCamos and Guppylove for your replies, I already cleared all the glass after taking that photo so can't tell what the end of the threads look like now. I'll check some of the other photos I took and see if anything shows. I thought I'd have noticed the little balls on the ends if they...
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    White Threads On Glass

    For the last two weeks I've had little white fungal looking thread streaks on the tank glass.They seem to be a central mass of white threads with very fine hair like outgrowths. None of the fish have fungus and the only unusual reading on testing has been high Nitrates. Here's a pic with a ruler...
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    Is My Balloon Molly Ready To Give Birth

    Thanks Greenmumma, I've been wondering. Nature will take its' course now.
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    Is My Balloon Molly Ready To Give Birth

    Well yesterday was the 15th day of captivity and she looked no nearer to being a mother than any other day. When I came home she'd escaped from the isolation tank. I'm not going to put her back in. The babies if she has them will have to survive by themselves. I've plenty of plants and they may...
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    Is My Balloon Molly Ready To Give Birth

    No Peaches, I've never bred them before, I've never intentionally bred any fish before and this girl just got pregnant without any involvement from me! Nature goes on regardless..........   She's still not given birth and I'm so guilty about her being in the isolation birth tank...
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    Is My Balloon Molly Ready To Give Birth

    Still no sign of any babies, though earlier she was wiggling rapidly nose down and sort of shivering so maybe that's a sign. This will be her third night in jail but she seems happy enough.   Oddly, earlier on today one of the guppies joined her in the little tank. No idea how it got in, can...
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    Is My Balloon Molly Ready To Give Birth

    Yes she certainly is Ash, but I'm anxious to know if she's near enough giving birth to be in the isolation tank where I put her. Am I causing her unnecessary stress by separating her too early?
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    Is My Balloon Molly Ready To Give Birth

    OK got it now, here we go....   Thanks for your reply Fish Addict and to the other person who spoke to me on...
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    Is My Balloon Molly Ready To Give Birth

    That's a pity, I'm not a member of any photo sharing sites. I managed to attach pics of a sickly gourami some months ago, looks like the rules must have changed.
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    Is My Balloon Molly Ready To Give Birth

    I have a Balloon Molly who I put in isolation 48 hours ago because I thought she was getting ready to drop her babies. No sign of them yet and I'm worried I've put her apart too early and now she'll get stressed.   I've forgotten how to attach pictures, maybe I need to post this first then amend...
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    How Do I Use Filter Wool?

    I've added filter wool to my Stingray filter, in the areas where the carbon filters would sit. I'll give it a couple of days and see if it makes any difference.
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    How Do I Use Filter Wool?

    Well now, I'm wondering, reviews I've just looked at are genrally favourable.......................
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    How Do I Use Filter Wool?

    Thanks Jen, in waht way did you find the Fluval better?
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    How Do I Use Filter Wool?

    Opinions please. I'm a newbie with tank set up using a fishless cycle started in July and finished in early September. I've got a 54 litre tank with a Stingray 10 filter. the fish are healthy but my water keeps clouding up. I'm doing a weekly 60% water change and alternately rinsing one of the...
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    Fungussy Gourami

    Latest Pics of the Fungussed one. He's all better now, I ran some carbon in the filter for three days. decided not to add any Melafix as things seemed to be going well. He continued to improve and now I can't see by eye much of a difference between him and the other two. He is also now...
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    2 Male Dwarf Gouramis In A Tank

    I don't have any females, just the three males. Apart from the possible territorial skirmishing they so far, get along reasonably well. One is still largely excluded from part of the tank after he had fungus but the other two although one is dominant, don't bother one another. They also leave...
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    Fungussy Gourami

    LOL, he'd make quite a tempting snack then. :)
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    Fungussy Gourami

    I thought it was quite a pleasant smell actually. Sort of piney. I looked at getting some of the cajeput oil to make my own and for under £4.00 including postage you can get enough to make a litre of it.. I wouldn't use that amount in a life time though and it might be a bother finding a...
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    Fungussy Gourami

    Thanks for the info Zenki, I'll have a look at that. I imagined Melafix to be a fairly mild treatment but then so are many things which could harm wee fishes. I'll make sure though. Ok checked that out, you guys are a wealth of information. Yes so Gouramis are labyrinth fish. Melafix isn't...
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    Fungussy Gourami

    I think the next few days will tell one way or the other Wilder. If he's looking well enough after the water change and Carbon filter, perhaps I'll think again about further treatment. Flexibility is always worthwhile but then again indecision is a killer. Can't decide which I have. :crazy:
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    Fungussy Gourami

    Thanks for the info Zenki, I'll have a look at that. I imagined Melafix to be a fairly mild treatment but then so are many things which could harm wee fishes. I'll make sure though. PS what do you mean by labyrinth? Ok checked that out, you guys are a wealth of information. yes so Gouramis are...
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    Help, What Are These? Eggs?

    Hi Fish Crazy, completely off topic but sort of relevant. My attachments button says beside it that the max size is 100k. How did you manage to post such a big pic?
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    Fungussy Gourami

    Yes he's still coming on The wound that was left behind looks cleaner now too and some signs that new scales may be forming.. The harassment he's getting seems rather half-hearted in comparison to how it was so maybe the boss gourami thinks he's less of a weakling too. I'm thinking I might...
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    Fungussy Gourami

    Thanks again Wilder for this information. So ideally I should have given him a methylene blue bath twice a day. I remember methylene blue being recommended for all sorts of fish ailments way back in the early 70's.Our local pet shop never had any in those days but I expect nowadays it would...
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    Fungussy Gourami

    Another thought occurring (oh the mystery of it all....!!) is: when a fish is injured like this, is it best to get him out and treat with something brushed on so the whole tank chemistry isn't upset by adding meds? Or is that something too stressful? I think from what I've read that dwarf...
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    2 Male Dwarf Gouramis In A Tank

    I'll be interested in this post too, I'm a newbie with a 54 litre tank. I have three male dwarf gouramis. There is a definite pecking order. The two more dominant share all the space but there is one who's been ill with fungus and he has the space at the back of the tank among plants where he's...
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    Fungussy Gourami

    Thanks Wilder, Melafix was the one I was thinking of............. just couldn't remember the name.
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    Fungussy Gourami

    Latest on "Bumpy." (That's the name my granddaughter gave him :rolleyes: ". Today he has lost the fungussy growth and just has a rather sore looking wound over his eye after the fungus melted away. I'm hoping that the meds in the water will prevent any other infection from getting a hold...
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    Fungussy Gourami

    I've been thinking overnight about the Myxazin and have some questions. Protozin says on the bottle that it's for white spot AND fungus. What I read here suggests that Myxazin is for bacterial infections. The Gourami seems to have a fungal infection as you can see from my pictures. Would a...
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    Fungussy Gourami

    Yes, I don't think it's a big risk, also depends how many cardinals they have when I visit. When i left last time there were only two left.