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  1. mancton

    Stocking Levels And Advice Pls

    Its a juwel 180 vision with sand substrate artificial plants (quite a few now) and we have a small living room so can be viewed anywhere really. Bought another 3 platys today so loookin good thanks for the replies everyone
  2. mancton

    Stocking Levels And Advice Pls

    hi all Ive got a 180 litre tank fully cycled for 6 weeks now. Up to now i have 2 guppies, 4 leopard danios and 10 neon tetras. Any ideas for next fish and how many Cheers
  3. mancton

    Nearly There

    hiya mate i had the same scenario p.h quite high after a fishless cycle. I started with 6 leopard danios left it about 2 weeks added 4 guppies and have just added 10 neon tetras and theyre all doing fine so dont think the ph level is a major problem
  4. mancton

    New To Neons!

    Im new to them as well. Got 9 today they all shoal together but one of them likes to hide on its own for a bit while another two chase each other like mad great to watch ha
  5. mancton

    Adding Fish To Cycled Tank

    i did a fishless cycle with kleen off ammonia. it took 3 weeks using mature filter media in my filter. just dont want to ruin it by being impatient ha
  6. mancton

    Adding Fish To Cycled Tank

    I have a recently cycled my 180L tank and have added 6 leopard danios. How long should i wait until i add more fish? i also have a platy in another tank waiting to be transferred over. thanks
  7. mancton

    Ph Problem During Cycling

    I had sky high nitrite readings last week then as the forums say the dissappered overnite. I'll sort the ph out today and keep an eye on it for another week before putting my first fish in. Thanks for the help
  8. mancton

    Ph Problem During Cycling

    Hi snazy im doing a fishless cycle using mature filter media from my sisters tank. Started it 2 weeks ago using jayes ammonia (5ppm) and was dropping to 0.25ppm in roughly 24 hrs so dosed up to 3-4ppm. Todays readings are ph6.0 ammonia 4ppm nitrite 0ppm nitrate 40ppm using API liquid test...
  9. mancton

    Ph Problem During Cycling

    My cycles goin well, got a good build up of nitrates now but ive hit a brick wall the ph has dropped from 7.2 to 6.0 it has happened before so I did a water change that worked but ive heard u can use bicarbonate of soda. Any tips on dosage levels and how frequently?
  10. mancton

    Need Cycling Advice

    Just thought it was a bit fast what with reading stories about 6 week cycles n stuff. Yeah im doin a fishless cycle seems everything is going well after adding the mature media. Thanks for the replys these forums are great for info to a noob ha
  11. mancton

    Need Cycling Advice

    Hi everyone, I started my cycle using mature media 4 days ago ammmonia was at 5ppm yesterday now its at 0. i have nitrite (off the chart) and nitrate readings (40ppm). Is this normal? Thought this might be the kickstart the cycle gets from using mature media. Anyway added more ammonia to bring...
  12. mancton

    New Cycle Help?

    Thanks for the replys should leave the tank alone now to do its stuff!
  13. mancton

    New Cycle Help?

    hi everyone ive just started to fishless cycle (using a small piece of mature media), added ammonia to juwel 180 tank using the ammonia calculator. The reading was very high (8ppm using API kit)so did a water change to get it to 4-5 ppm. Will this high ammonia have affected the start of the...
  14. mancton

    Adding Mature Filter Media

    Thanks for the advice adding the media and ammonia tommorrow
  15. mancton

    Adding Mature Filter Media

    hi everyone. ive just set up my new juwel vision 180 and am ready to start a fishless cycle. i have an external eheim ecco pro filter. i will be using mature filter sponge from an established tank so my question is do i put it in the biological part of the filter at the start of the process...
  16. mancton

    Arrrggghhhh What's Cycling, New Tank And I've Already Got Fish

    Hi everyone noob here ha Ive recently purchased my new tank (juwel 180 vision), Eheim ecco pro filter and all the other essentials. Im about to start a fishless cycle using jays cleen off ammonia. My sister is kindly donating some mature filter media so the main question is when do i introduce...