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  1. Nathen

    How To Get More Male Fry?

    i stand corrected basboi5, indeed it is the other way around sorry for my mistake.. It is the female which last longer in the uterus than the male sperm.
  2. Nathen

    How To Get More Male Fry?

    There is also some research you can do about temperature and what effect it has in sperm and eggs im pretty sure the higher the temp the lower the male sperm count...
  3. Nathen

    Show Us Your Guppies?

    all so lovely :) i love gemini <3 most beautiful guppy ive seen in a long time :)
  4. Nathen

    Show Off Your Mollies

    heres one of the molly fry that survived a full tank cleanout as it survived in wet stones for 3 days :)
  5. Nathen

    Show Us Your Guppies?

    My first female fry since i got back into guppies shes 3 weeks old :) And last but not least a platy/guppy cross it looks like both .. :/ dunno how it happened..never had any female platys...
  6. Nathen

    Show Us Your Guppies?

    I wanted to see some of everyones Guppies, as there is a forum for Molly pics, show everyone the beauty of the lil Guppy fish :) Anyone can post, male or females :) fry also can be shown and if you like add some tips to help others to understand things and life cycles of the Guppy :D thanks My...
  7. Nathen

    Show Off Your Mollies

    I breed only guppies but i decided to hybridise endler males with female guppies thus saving the endler gene pool, Its really good to see them but its harder to tell when a female will give birth as they can have 4 pregnancys lined up in a month birthing 20 fry every week.. :D
  8. Nathen

    How To Get More Male Fry?

    the chances are if their all female you males sperms isnt dominant in real life male sperms is usually slower but lives longer... you have a strong female producer male these are very much appreciated in fish breeding :) you should be happy but if you want males i suggest getting another male...
  9. Nathen

    Show Off Your Mollies

    ah, wow, do you breed them? like do you have both males and females of them?.
  10. Nathen

    Re: Endler-guppy Hybrids

    A pic of what?.
  11. Nathen

    Show Off Your Mollies

    I love mollies <3 Im currently hybridizing endlers with guppies to create fancy guppies (male endlers only) (female guppies only). I found a black molly in my tanks a week ago.. must have survived in stones when I removed all mollies from my tank. Today i found another molly smaller but silver...
  12. Nathen

    Re: Endler-guppy Hybrids

    Your grand, dont worry these hybrids wont leave my house and if they do their fancy guppies not endlers. your snake skin sounds amazing my female guppies only have dalmation genes so all their tails have black spots only the colour of the tail is determined by whatever male i put in:)
  13. Nathen

    Babies Galore!

    Not a one for egg laying fish but ehm.. tips i may be able to give are Ensure a maximum amount of space for growth 1 gallon per fish usually. Livebearers such as mollys and guppies will multiply quickly, If you like rabbits of the aquatic environment up to 80 fry every month but sometimes...
  14. Nathen

    Re: Endler-guppy Hybrids

    i already had this discussion wiv you... like a month ago ... i know your not to, its an experiment. plus im not using female endlers, a male only all females are guppies.
  15. Nathen

    Re: Endler-guppy Hybrids

    Today, my female guppy gave birth to two fry she was a virgin so there definitely endler fry but of course there not purebred, they are really small barely able to see them, all you can see is a flicker of colour now and again. There see true but one seems to be black but you can see true it...
  16. Nathen

    Breeding Guppies

    rocks are a good way to allow fry to survive, i allow my guppies to give birth in the tanks and let natyre take its course for about 2 weeks then the survivers i put into a new cycled tank until they become adults themselves. rocks also will promote algae growth as they will provide attachment...
  17. Nathen

    Endler Livebearers

    i said 5 endler males* not females, i told him i breeding male endlers with female guppies. And his endlers are pure as hes had them for over 10 years breeding them pure for the japanese company.
  18. Nathen

    Endler Livebearers

    i dont think ill be selling these and if i do ill put them under guppies not endlers :)
  19. Nathen

    Endler Livebearers

    I know but think of it this way.. im not damaging endler purebreds.. just feeder guppies which might increase their ability or decrease it??
  20. Nathen

    Climatising Fish?

    Sorry i havent been on in a while and i just remembered, can anyone let me know how to climatise guppies, endlers, mollys and platy to cold water. It has been done but i cant find anything about it on the net but ive seen them in my LFS in cold water and were still breeding and had still very...
  21. Nathen

    Endler Livebearers

    Thanks at least someone shares my curiosity :)
  22. Nathen

    Guppy "snout"?

    Yeah id actually be intrigued by this gene and would see about breeding her with another guppy you might get that will have it as it is obviously recessive so good luck with her :)
  23. Nathen

    Endler Livebearers

    Right guys Ive finally decided im going to try this hybridizing of Endlers with Guppies to create a more colourful guppy. I finally found a local breeder who breeds endlers in mass production for a japanese company to restock japanese and american lakes and streams/rivers. He allows them to...
  24. Nathen

    Guppy "snout"?

    I would just say its some sort of variation of a gene and shouldnt be any harm, the pointy "snout" enables guppies to feed off the waters surface maybe your guppy with rounded "snout" adapted because the food will fall to the bottom and therefore she does not need a pointy one?>
  25. Nathen

    Platys Changing Sex?

    no they were definitely adult mollys
  26. Nathen

    Breeding Guppies For Petstores?

    I live in ireland so its different and ive been ask to breed them i didnt just wake up and say, wow it be great to breed guppies for a store. so i want to get started as soon as possible its a family owned business not a chain business.
  27. Nathen

    Breeding Guppies For Petstores?

    Ive only ever had at most 2 females in my tank in the last 7 years at most but id like to know how many females would i need to produce up to lets say 200-300 fry every week? i decided id buy a guppy every weekend then each week ill have a birthing, no? after a while of course, what colours...
  28. Nathen

    Baby Guppies

    10 gallon will hold at most 8 guppies if you were to give them adequate space. i would consiter getting moss and algae to feed them too along with some live foods such as tubifex worms or babt brine shrimp or try growing infusorians :) vinager eels and spirinula work great aswell..
  29. Nathen

    Should I Let Nature Take Its Coarse?

    your best to leave them to produce in your tank and the strogest quickest guppy fry will survive the danios and some female/male guppies will eat the fry that are deformed, too slow or too small :) Good luck
  30. Nathen

    Guppies :)

    Thanks guys :) and im sure their not mating ive had them for about 2 weeks they seem in control of the tank but dont want to have anything to do with each other? ive cleaned the tank again today to make sure its all done and changed the filter sponge and introduced some healthy bacterial...
  31. Nathen

    Grand thanks i hope they are that be really great, thanks.

    Grand thanks i hope they are that be really great, thanks.
  32. Nathen

    Please Vote

    Nugget seems to be a great name :)
  33. Nathen

    because i want to know is it possible to get them in mollys as i have found 2 fry in my tank...

    because i want to know is it possible to get them in mollys as i have found 2 fry in my tank that are molly fry and seem to have red eyes??.. o.O
  34. Nathen

    alright grand thanks for the info, one question more, did you ever get an albino female molly?.

    alright grand thanks for the info, one question more, did you ever get an albino female molly?.
  35. Nathen

    yeah but there not that much of a resemblance.. there dotted not half.. sorry im prob annoying...

    yeah but there not that much of a resemblance.. there dotted not half.. sorry im prob annoying you :/.
  36. Nathen

    Guppies :)

    If you have read that on my other post i have had a huge female give birth to a crazy amount of fry and she has passed away i have gotten a male tuxedo creme male and a 2 females that are a flame creme colour. anyway i sold some of the fry to my lfs and got 72 euro for all the fry except for 20...
  37. Nathen

    Male Molly Plus Female Platy

    thats like saying a guppy and swordtail wont breed but i have seen fish breeders that had a tank for culled guppies and swordtails andhave had guppies give birth to fry that grew up to be all female but have the sword gene with a green and black distinct line, they would use it to fight and...
  38. Nathen

    hi ive seen your pics in the topic on different types of mollys, can i ask how you came to get a...

    hi ive seen your pics in the topic on different types of mollys, can i ask how you came to get a black/gold half fan tail? (first pic)??
  39. Nathen

    Platys Changing Sex?

    It is possible for some fish to change sex if there is no opposite sex, it happens in frogs and dolphins too. its a rare gene not remotely found in fish but since platys were crossed with swordtails to create colour some mutant genes may have developed. my mollys change sex from time to time but...
  40. Nathen

    Could You Post A Picture For Me

    You can get leopard mollies too, orange with black speckles like a leopard, eh but i suggest if your new to them, i would go with black or dalmation as they are the most friendly ones, and there are no 2 fish alike unless there identicle twins, which is rare in fish but can happen so i suggest...