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  1. M

    Mixing Apistos With Keyholes And Corydoras

    Awesome, I'll have a look at them! Much appreciated guys!
  2. M

    Mixing Apistos With Keyholes And Corydoras

    So after near enough 18 months since I upgraded my tank I'm looking to reshuffle my stock a bit. The other day I was in my LFS and stumbled across some Cockatoo dwarf Cichlids (Apistogramma Cacatuoides) and was just wondering how they would get on with some of my other inhabitants.   So the fish...
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    Mixing Apistos With Keyholes And Corydoras

    Sorry completely wrong thread ha! I'll cope and paste this over so if a mod can delete it please.
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    Mixing Apistos With Keyholes And Corydoras

    So after near enough 18 months since I upgraded my tank I'm looking to reshuffle my stock a bit. The other day I was in my LFS and stumbled across some Cockatoo dwarf Cichlids (Apistogramma Cacatuoides) and was just wondering how they would get on with some of my other inhabitants.   So the fish...
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    I got a couple going back a year or so now as juveniles so they're more or less fully grown now, and I've since added another a few months back and all three get on, other than the odd chase round the tank. From what I read before I got them the male/female ratio doesn't matter as much as other...
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    Ridding My Aquarium Of Snails

    Wow haven't checked this in a while, some great advice, thanks guys!     Yep, I'm doing my tank up soon so will be doing this too any plants entering, there's only a small crop of Vallis left so will do the same to them!         Haha would love too! I had a similar problem when I got my last...
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    Ridding My Aquarium Of Snails

    Awesome, thanks for that!
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    Ridding My Aquarium Of Snails

    Thanks for the quick reply! I'll definitely give that a go, would rinsing the sand through with hot/boiling water also help at all?   And yep, since I realised just how many there were I've cut back on the food!
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    Ridding My Aquarium Of Snails

    So I'm looking to give my tank a bit of a rescape in the next couple of weeks, I'll be removing the fish so I can get in there without worrying about them while I replant and change the decor over. Now for the past few months my tank has been inundated with snails, in particular Malaysian...
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    Changing Lighting.. A Little Bit Lost

    So as the title suggests I'm looking at alternative lighting, I'm currently running 2x 20watt sunlight florescent tubes in a hood, which is what Aqua One suggest to use. The tank is also from Aqua One and is a UFO  700 corner tank, dimensions which I've measured are 60cm front to back, 100cm at...
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    South American Themed Reshuffle

    So I've has my current 175L set up running for just under a year since I upgraded from my old 100L tank, and I've really enjoyed the process. It's been the first tank where I've started from scratch and properly researched the stock as well as trying to make it as natural and as close too a...
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    Haven't had angelfish before but I was looking at them when I upgraded my tank, the general feedback and information out there is that you can either keep them singularly, a proven breeding pair or as a large group of 5/6+. So really your only option would be as a singleton and that's if your...
  13. M

    Fish That Like To Burrow Into Sand.

    I've very rarely seen them in LFS's, in fact the only times I've seen them I've bought them! Main issue with them is that unless you know specifically what they are and want them, they're pretty boring, and won't sell, for example the second time I saw them the same batch were there for several...
  14. M

    Fish That Like To Burrow Into Sand.

    +1 for Banjo Catfish! Not only are they great for stirring up sand where they bury and spend their day but I they're something different and it's always a treat when they do come out to forage for food before the lights go out. They also don't have any particular requirements or needs other than...
  15. M

    Low Light Plants For A Blackwater Tank

    I'm by no means experienced when it comes to plants but I've also set up a black water tank and looked into what plants are best in these conditions. Generally not too many plants are found in black water conditions as it's too acidic for them to grow well. I've put in vallis and amazon frogbit...
  16. M

    Is This Lighting Suitable?

    I've been looking into upgrading the lighting in my tank for a while now and have been going in circles trying to find what to do, ideally I would like a clip on/suspended LED set up but everything I've found has been pretty expensive. I've found something that seems popular and has good rating...
  17. M

    South American Biotope Lighting

    Hi, I recently posted a topic about my South American biotope on the general tropical discussion page but didn't get a great deal of replies. One of the thing's I asked about was lighting for my tank and how to create a 'shadowy shimmer' effect, I've read that light unit would need to be a...
  18. M

    Lighting, Effects And Improvement Of My South American Biotope

    Hi thanks for the reply, alder cones was something I was considering but I think I'll stick with the leaves and see where I go from from there :) Stocking wise I've got the fish I originally set out to get so anything from now on I change my mind every time I think about it! Haha Wills advised...
  19. M

    Lighting, Effects And Improvement Of My South American Biotope

    Hi guys, I've had my 175L South American biotope set up for about 5 months now and all is going well, however the last day or two I've been thinking and started looking at ways to take it a few steps further in terms of making it more natural, yesterday I started a topic about using RO to lower...
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    Reverse Osmosis Water And Systems

    Think I've abandoned thoughts of using RO water for the time being guys, thanks for the advice, I know where to come if I do decide to go with it in the future!
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    Reverse Osmosis Water And Systems

    Thanks for the quick reply, I know it's not as simple as it seems and agree with what you have said, was just something I've began to look into so just looking for a starting point really. Unfortunately since I've changed tanks I haven't been able to measure the pH, all I had was an old kit...
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    Reverse Osmosis Water And Systems

    So I've had my 175L South American tank set up for about 6 months now and all is going good, however I've been contemplating moving over to RO water to take it another step further in recreating the natural conditions and making it more of a biotope, also my LFS have quite a few tanks with RO...
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    Hanging Lights

    I'm thinking about the possibility of changing my aquarium lighting, right now it's the usual built into the hood set up however I'm now contemplating a hanging light kit which would either hang from the ceiling, or be fixed onto the walls. As it's a corner tank I have two walls  at a 90° angle...
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    Buying An External Filter

    Which did you get in the end?   What is the latest on this please?   Hi sorry late reply! Ended up with a Fluval 305 from my LFS for about £80 including a spraybar. Really happy I paid a little more rather than going for the cheaper options. Tank has been cycled since and all set up for the...
  25. M

    Options For Stocking An Amazon Biotope

    Southampton's a bit further than I'd be willing to travel but will keep that in mind if I have no luck down my way  And I've never really had any kind of unusual uncommon fish before so should be a fun journey trying to track some down and then hopefully keeping them!   Thanks for your opinions...
  26. M

    Treating Ich In A Tank With Scaleless Fish

      Ahh cool will do, already half way there after being spot free since Saturday
  27. M

    Treating Ich In A Tank With Scaleless Fish

    Thanks for the input guys, it's much appreciated! I haven't seen any symptoms since Saturday which is 4 or so days ago so over the next couple of days I won't be dosing the meds and will begin to lower the temperature and get the tank back to it's usual conditions. I must have managed to catch...
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    Treating Ich In A Tank With Scaleless Fish

    Thanks for the heads up on the Myxazin, maybe that wouldn't be such a good idea in that case, in terms of the ich I haven't seen any symptoms since Saturday but I am still treating it just incase. I've dosed the tank today but providing there's no further outbreak I think it will be the last...
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    Options For Stocking An Amazon Biotope

    I'm down in Dorset, had a quick look on Aquarist Classified but no luck. I'll keep an eye out for them and ask around my LFS for them, I'd imagine they wouldn't be cheap though as I've read they're pretty new to the hobby?   And that list looks pretty good to me! A bit gutted that I turned down...
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    Options For Stocking An Amazon Biotope

    Thanks for the quick replies guys!        I've just had a look at all 3 of the fish you put forward Wills and they're all pretty spot on with what I'm looking for.. I want them all now  haha the Krobia Xinguensis especially, whether I'd be able to track them down at my LFS is a different matter...
  31. M

    Options For Stocking An Amazon Biotope

    Hi, I've had my 175 liter corner tank set up for about 3 weeks now after finishing my fishless cycle and I decided to go for an Amazon Biotope setup. So far my stocking  consists of;   11 Rummynose Tetra 2 Keyhole Cichlids 2 Banjo Catfish 1 Bristlenose Catfish   Now at the moment I'm coming to...
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    In-Tank Quarantining

    Hi, for the last few days I've been treating my tank after a bout of white spot ( ). I believe the issue came after I introduced a Bristlenose Catfish into the the tank without quarantining, which was...
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    Treating Ich In A Tank With Scaleless Fish

    Just an update, been through two courses of treatment and it looks like the whitespots cleared up, haven't seen any on my fish since Saturday so I'll more than likely do another one or two courses just to make sure. However one of my Rummy Noses isn't looking great, it's hard to explain but it...
  34. M

    What Fish To Get For My Established Tank

    If you still have the UFO 550 then the total volume is 100L not counting water displacement, there was a thread on here a while back where the member emailed Aqua One and they said the volume was 100L and not 78L. I had the same problem too before my upgrade with this tank and being told...
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    Treating Ich In A Tank With Scaleless Fish

    Had a bit of a nightmare this morning, after everything I read, what I knew and what you guys told me about taking carbon out of the filter I convinced myself I didn't have any in there, I didn't give it a second thought until about 15 minutes ago when I realised after my tank and filter change...
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    Treating Ich In A Tank With Scaleless Fish

    Think people use it as it helps fishes immune system and to fight of disease, thins the blood etc, just a general help if your fish are struck down with a disease is my understanding of it.
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    Treating Ich In A Tank With Scaleless Fish

    Thanks a lot, that's a big help! Will continue from now with the full dosage.
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    Treating Ich In A Tank With Scaleless Fish

    Yeah that did cross my mind, but my thoughts were it's not going to be anymore than a 10-15% WC, if that. And all this is going on while the tank is due it's WC as well so I don't want the water quality to drop especially with the Rummys intolerance to poor conditions, it's a tough one because I...
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    Treating Ich In A Tank With Scaleless Fish

    Right I've been to my LFS this morning and picked up King British White Spot Control, was literally the only option they had so didn't have much choice. Throughout this morning I've been raising the temperature slowly each hour, though my heater is set at 30 my tank is only reading 26ish due to...
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    Treating Ich In A Tank With Scaleless Fish

    Thanks for the quick replies guys! Unfortunately I don't have room for a QT tank, I know they are a time, effort and life saver in some cases for fish but I just don't have the room or funds to set one up right now    So because of this I can't separate my catfish from the others half...