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  1. Fontaine

    Moss Balls

    If this is true, you may have found an answer to my prayers! I tend to have a lot of algae growth, since the only place in my house I can fit my tank is VERY close to the window in our spare room. We keep the curtains closed, but some light still gets through. I've been looking for a solution...
  2. Fontaine

    Adding An Juvenile Oscar To An Estalished Community

    That's what I've been thinking, but from everything I've found online the Oscar temperament is hard to judge; Some say they're horrific killing machines, and others say they are peaceful community members! Definitely! I would swear by that advise!
  3. Fontaine

    Adding An Juvenile Oscar To An Estalished Community

    This is purely hypothetical. I'm doing lots of research into Oscars, purely out of interest. (That doesn't mean I ever intend to buy one! I'd be too afraid!) Let's say we have a 900 Litre aquarium, with an already established community. The community can be anything: JDs, Clown Loaches...
  4. Fontaine

    When Going On Vacation?

    My fiancée and I are going away to Plymouth to see her family for a week at the end of October. I was considering just doing a water change the night before I leave and letting them go without food for the week, but maybe I'll make two food-bags up for my mum to throw in when she feeds the cats.
  5. Fontaine

    Starting Fron Scratch

    We've decided to sell the 4ft tank and find a nicer 4ft setup - the one we bought has much to be desired!
  6. Fontaine

    Starting Fron Scratch

    I'll stick to one heater then. Definitely gonns wash the sand - I've heard some awful horror stories! I paid £50 for my 205, not the best deal, but postage was included!
  7. Fontaine

    Starting Fron Scratch

    We have some lovely bogwood ready to go in. :)
  8. Fontaine

    Starting Fron Scratch

    Okay, long-story-short I WAS planning to use my soon-to-be-delivered Fluval 205 to replace the built-in juwel filter in my 110ltr tank. That's now not happening, because... I sold a tiny 15ltr tank (seriously: litres, not gallons) on ebay for £30. When delivering the tank, the buyer explained...
  9. Fontaine

    Juwel/fluval Hybrid

    Hi everyone I've just managed to get hold of a used Fluval 205 external filter, which I intend to use in my 110 lure Juwel tank. What should I do initially to prepare the new-yet-used filter, and how do I go about removing the built-in Juwel filter without destroying my tank? Also, on a side...
  10. Fontaine

    20L - What Can Go In?

    I think I shall have to! The internal filter on my current Juwel 110 litre tank doesn't really do much to convince me it's working correctly, so I'm looking at picking up a Fluval 205 external filter, and ripping out the old internal. May have to document that palava!
  11. Fontaine

    20L - What Can Go In?

    We're looking to upgradeto a 6-footer, if not an 8-footer, as soon as financially possible! :)
  12. Fontaine

    20L - What Can Go In?

    What's the smallest size you guys think would be suitable for just my 3 balloon mollies?
  13. Fontaine

    20L - What Can Go In?

    How about my tetra? If I put them in instead of the Mollies?How many of those could fit in there?
  14. Fontaine

    20L - What Can Go In?

    Nope, it's an Aqua One 300 - 20L. So you're saying I can't even fit 3 BM's in there?
  15. Fontaine

    20L - What Can Go In?

    Hi guys, I'll be picking up a 20L tank tomorrow, which I plan to put my 3 Balloon Mollies in (I have 1 male and 2 female), once I've done a fishless cycle, of course! My question is, will I be able to fit any of my other fish in there? I was hoping to move either my 6 Rummy-nose Tetra or my 6...
  16. Fontaine

    What Is The Volume Of My Tank?

    Thanks, but said calculator does not seem to cater for a tank with 6 sides of varying length.
  17. Fontaine

    What Is The Volume Of My Tank?

    I think I've worked it out: I divded it into 3 quatrilaterals and 2 triangles. 9x7.5 = 67.5 (main central quad) 15.5 - 9 = 6.5 / 2 = 3.25 x 4.5 = 14.625 (2 outer quads) 7.5 - 4.5 = 3 x 3.25 = 9.75 / 2 = 4.875 67.5 + 14.625 + 14.625 + 4.875 + 4.875 = 106.5 x 9(height) = 958.50 cubic inches...
  18. Fontaine

    What Is The Volume Of My Tank?

    So, I'm afraid to admit I bought a nondescript tank off ebay to use as my breeding tank. It's not very big at all, but I've not idea what the volume is. It's 6-sided, but not a conventional hexagon. The "back" is 15.5inches long. The "front" is 9 inches. The remaining four sides are...
  19. Fontaine


    I'll have to try that some time. The remaining fish as of now are: 2 x Silver Shark 2 x Clown Loach 2 x Bronze Cory 1 x Gibbiceps 1 x Siamese Fighter 4 x Guppy (M) 3 x Balloon Molly (1M/2F) 3 x Swordtail (1M/2F) 4 x Glowlight Tetra 1 x Betta 1 x Apple Snail 1 x Glass Catfish At the moment I'm...
  20. Fontaine


    I'll do a 95% WC when I get home tonight. I think I'll move the fish into a temporary bucket though while I'm doing so. The discus died last night. I just don't think he could handle the water. Sad thing is I saw him go :(
  21. Fontaine


    Unfortunately, but somewhat ironically, all three of our glassfish died last night :sad: as did one of the glass catfish. I thought maybe we'd had an Ammonia spike, since the remaining fish were all gasping at the top of the tank. Got a free water test by my local Pets At Home store, and my...
  22. Fontaine


    The tank is 32 inches long, 15 inches tall and 14 inches wide. I think our water is fairly hard. We live in the midlands.
  23. Fontaine


    After a quick google, I'm guessing you're trying to tell me the glassfish need a higher salinity than my other fish, but in a less-than-helpful, non-layman manner? Regardless, thanks for the info. Just remember not every newbie will know what "brackish" refers to.:)
  24. Fontaine


    I really appreciate the honesty! It's easy to be bombared with the wrong information when consulting online guides and books, so hearing itfirst-hand from the people who know what they're talking about really helps! I think the main problem we've had is, upon asking the local aquarium shops...
  25. Fontaine


    Thanks for the welcome! Would you say I have too many fish?
  26. Fontaine


    Hi everyone, great forum! We're pretty new to Tropical Fish, although my fiancée had some when she was younger. Currently we've got a Juwel 110 Tank with internal filter/heater/etc, which was sold on ebay including 3 gourami (who we gave to a pet store), 1 red-tailed shark (who died after our...