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  1. C

    Sick Fish Please Help

    Alright, the testing kit wasnt clear, didnt see the ammonia strips... but the ammonia level is 0 in the tank. from what I see, if i can find someone with a healthy tank I can do a fishin cycle without changing any water, I just need like you said a piece of a healthy filter, or even the dirty...
  2. C

    Sick Fish Please Help

    Alright, I did a water change, and tested the water Post Change Nitrate 80 Nitrite 0 Hardness 75-150 Alkalinity between 120-180 PH 7.5 I also had a sample tested of my old water at the store Im not sure the exact numbers, but they said my PH was through the roof, and my waste (nitrate I think)...
  3. C

    Sick Fish Please Help

    Thanks for the help Bluedragon, Ill do a water change today... as far as the fry, I would like to keep them, I can get a 2nd tank around 10 gallons pretty cheap to put them in... if I can catch them. with the amonia poisoning you are talking about, that would accuire with excess waste being in...
  4. C

    Sick Fish Please Help

    I have several non aggressive fish in my 36gallon tank, the majority of them being Molly's. I have had 2 fish die on my since I got the aquarium both molly's... the latest was tonight. I have had a dalmation die on me, and then tonight a silver molly. the Dalmation was a male, he started...