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  1. G

    Started A Fish In Cycle In The Last 48 Hrs

    Hi there, I wouldn't rush out to get a nitrate test kit yet as a fish cycle is usually quite slow. I've just finished one and it took 2 months to fully cycle. I bought an API kit and even though it seems expensive it's cheaper than buying them individually,it will last for ages,I'm still using...
  2. G

    Is My Tank Cycled?

    Ok it's official,I am showing 0.25 nitrites today :good: How long does this stage usually last before nitrates kick in? I'm off to do a water change now.
  3. G

    Is My Tank Cycled?

    Since 17th April! I think it's taken so long as I didn't have any mature media to start with. Haven't done today's test yet,watch this space!
  4. G

    Is My Tank Cycled?

    Did my usual test today and had a massive shock,I've actually got a change in my test results,there are nitrites in my tank after all this time! My ammonia has dropped to 0 and I'm showing some nitrites,not quite 0.25 but a darker blue than 0 so I'm guessing 0.1? Hopefully this isn't a fluke or...
  5. G

    Fish In Cycle

    Congratulations Dean,I'm well jealous,still waiting for a change in my tank. :good:
  6. G

    Is My Tank Cycled?

    Mmm yes that's what I was afraid off. I guess I'll just have to wait it out and hope for a change. I'll try larger water changes as well,thanks.
  7. G

    Is My Tank Cycled?

    Hi Dean, Thanks for posting,it's good to know my situation isn't unusual! Yes my ammonia is always 0.25,I think the plants may be keeping it down as it doesn't move. I'll just have to be patient and hope for a change. I'm doing about 25 percent water changes every 2 days roughly,is that too much...
  8. G

    Is My Tank Cycled?

    Hi Tony, I'm not cleaning the filter out at all now,I did give it a light swill in tank water about 2 weeks ago.I feed 1 pinch of flake food daily,usually eaten within 20 seconds by the fish. I have black gravel and I usually hoover the waste from it when I do my water changes.
  9. G

    Is My Tank Cycled?

    Yes i'm afraid so.I know i'm reading it right becaue I saw yellow (0) on the chart at the beginning and now it's always light green(0.25). Perhaps i'll go and test my tap water now as a control. I'm seriously thinking of buying another test kit as I can't think what else to do apart from cut...
  10. G

    Is My Tank Cycled?

    Hello all,please give me some advice and help me figure out what's happening in my tank as I'm stumped. I recently got a 90 litre tank,set it up and added some anacharis plants to it. I knew nothing about cycling a tank,I went to my LFS who told me it was ok for me to start off with 6 neon...
  11. G

    South Wales

    Hello,I'm in Carmarthen. Bought a 90 litre tank from leekes in cross hands and added some fish on their advice,didn't know about fish less cycling until now as I haven't had a tank for 15 years! It's taking forever,still only showing amonia and nothing else.haven't been back there since.