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  1. E

    Identify My Cichlid?

    A vid of my tank from two weeks ago. Too many fish to start.. again, I'm learning. But I'm going to do what I can to get them through this mini-crisis. Daily water changes are my norm, currently. Uploaded in HD if you care to see it that way.
  2. E

    Identify My Cichlid?

    36g bowfront; a bit small, I'm learning. I intend to stock it to around 10 or 12 cichlids and a couple of cats, with an upgrade to a canister filter rated for 70 gals. Or maybe 100gals. But im not sure if something like a Fluval 406 would be TOO much flow for a tank my size.. I do wish...
  3. E

    Small Emergency.. Ich In A Still Cycling Tank.

    So it's definately Ich in my Cichlid tank. Theres been a lot of flashing/rubbing the past 10 or so days and this morning, noticed one lighter colored fish is just covered in white 'salt like' spots and the others are developing them too. The tank has just finished it's 3rd week with fish and...
  4. E

    Identify My Cichlid?

    Thanks for the quick answers. Im pretty excited about the color potential for the German Red. I hope he mans up nicely. I may even get him a couple more females and see what happens. As to the plants, they were cheap and I didn't really expect them to last this long with the Cichlids...
  5. E

    Identify My Cichlid?

    I bought this m/f pair and another one as starters for my 36 gal but I didn't pay attention to what I was getting! I don't see them pictured in the species index thread. I'm hoping to know the species so that I can look up what they will look like as they get older and color up...