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  1. blur411

    What Can I Stock With What I Have Currently?

      My tank is 2 foot by 1 foot by 1 foot so maybe it is a 12? When I bought it, it said 10 gallons though.    I started with 8, and have probably close to 20 when I count now. They just don't get very big that is why I don't want to just have them in there. I can see little red specs from the...
  2. blur411

    What Can I Stock With What I Have Currently?

    I've thought about that, but the adults are so tiny that it's hard to see anything when sitting on the couch you can only see them when you are up close to the tank. I thought about getting an apple snail or two just to have something larger in there. 
  3. blur411

    What Can I Stock With What I Have Currently?

    I will see if I can find a new home for them, if not I hate taking them back to the store because they will just end up selling them to someone else with a 10 gallon and most likely one they bought the same day. At least mine was cycled :-/ I feel really bad now, I thought I researched enough!
  4. blur411

    What Can I Stock With What I Have Currently?

    Mine is 2 foot long and 1 foot wide. I'm trying to find some information on this somewhere on-line, not that I don't believe you it's just everything else I'm finding is saying they are fine and if they aren't I'd like some more info and then maybe I can re-home them.
  5. blur411

    What Can I Stock With What I Have Currently?

    The neons are only a half an inch long, that's why I don't see how they are too big. I just went and browsed some other sites and I haven't found any other forms saying that neons are too much for a 10 gallon. I don't know if it matters or not, but mine is a 10 gallon long, I bought a regular...
  6. blur411

    What Can I Stock With What I Have Currently?

    I will have to see if I can find some of those here in Ohio. My concern is if I shouldn't have the neons in there should I not add any other types of fish?
  7. blur411

    What Can I Stock With What I Have Currently?

    Thanks everyone, I originally had 6 neons but had lost two early on and never replaced them. The filter I have seems to keep up pretty well, and I switch out the filter monthly (I always put the old one in the tank until the new one is seeded and I check water levels daily after changing it)...
  8. blur411

    What Can I Stock With What I Have Currently?

    Up until a few weeks ago I wasn't considering this since I had a beautiful betta named Elton. He got very sick, I posted here in the emergency section and everything I did failed. He was laying at the bottom of the tank a few days ago, still breathing so we decided to euthanize him and that was...
  9. blur411

    My Betta Is Sick

    There is really no way he could have gotten pulled into the filter It's a very small filter with a low flow, I have a lid on there so he can't jump out or anything. Unfortunately I don't have any other tank to move him to, as this used to by my hospital tank for my 55 gallon before I moved...
  10. blur411

    My Betta Is Sick

    I'm not sure, it's all so weird since he (Elton) was doing so well for so long, and he is the friendliest betta with tiny shrimp he doesn't even pay attention to them or the neons. He would always greet me when I came up to the tank, and now he hides in the plants for most of the day. 
  11. blur411

    My Betta Is Sick

    Hi guys,    I havent been here in forever, because everything has been going so well. I have a 10 gallon planted tank with 5 neons, some shrimp and 1 betta. They have all been living together in perfect harmony since November. I've noticed my bettas color get a little lack luster these last few...
  12. blur411

    Moving Across The Country?

  13. blur411

    Moving Across The Country?

    I posted awhile back that I was going to move both my tank, fish and everything but decided against it...I sold my 55 gallon setup, fish and everything and put everything I wanted to keep (Substrate, and plants) in the QT tank and put extra substrate in a bucket. So this will be easier to move...
  14. blur411

    Loach Jumping Into Filter?

    For those saying it is too small of a tank, please note that this is just a QT tank, I know that. I will try the panty hose method. There is no substrate, as again it is a QT tank, there are some fake plants and large fake smooth rocks to make hiding spots. The water perimeters are fine, I check...
  15. blur411

    Loach Jumping Into Filter?

    I will have to try and get some of that tomorrow, and give it shot. The tube has a screen/plastic covering that has only very small holes so thats not how it's happening. I've just never had this problem before.
  16. blur411

    Loach Jumping Into Filter?

    Thats the thing, there is a top. the only spot I can see is where the water comes out, so he must just be really good at aiming.
  17. blur411

    Loach Jumping Into Filter?

    I have a QT tank with 4 yoyo's and 3 kuhli (2 kuhlis have died in the last three days). One of the smaller yoyo's has disappeared twice now. Both times I found him in the little HOB filter. Its a 10 gallon, with the small filter that came with it. It doesn't have anywhere that could suck him up...
  18. blur411

    Moving Across The Country?

    Moving from Southern California to Ohio. Thanks for the advice, we will see if it work! I'm going to try my hardest!
  19. blur411

    Moving Across The Country?

    I'm pretty attached to my specific fish, I have guppies, pleco, snail, platties, and yoyo loaches. I went to the LFS near where I might be moving, and their yoyo loaches were 9 dollars a piece, and guppies were 4 dollars each. I would rather just keep m current stock, and try and keep them alive...
  20. blur411

    Moving Across The Country?

    I may be taking a job across the country, which will take us about 4-5 days to complete driving. Any advice on moving a 55 gallon planted tank? I'm planning on keeping the fish in a tote, with a lid, and getting a power source to keep an airstone in the tote to keep oxygen moving. Also, I plan...
  21. blur411

    My Guppies Tails Are Being Shredded, Any Ideas On What To Do...or Who&

    Well, my boyfriend witness the culprit. Mystery solved. It was the biggest yoyo loach, we call him Bubba since he has grown significantly bigger than his/her crew. He saw him attack, and kill a male guppy. Unfortunately he killed my very first guppy. So, he had to rush off to work, but when he...
  22. blur411

    My Guppies Tails Are Being Shredded, Any Ideas On What To Do...or Who&

    Thank you guys! I think it could be the male guppies get mad over the single female, I may try and take her and the other out and put them in the QT and see if they start to heal....if not, then it's probably those loaches. If it is, I guess I will have to start finding new homes. The molly seem...
  23. blur411

    My Guppies Tails Are Being Shredded, Any Ideas On What To Do...or Who&

    I don't think that it's fin rot, I'm pretty sure it's an agressive fish but not sure which one. I looked up fin rot, and the fish don't have those symptoms.
  24. blur411

    My Guppies Tails Are Being Shredded, Any Ideas On What To Do...or Who&

    This is a blurry cell phone picture my boyfriend sent me today (I'm across the country, so he is babysitting the fish). I've noticed some small nips in my male guppies tails recently, but this one is pretty bad. I've had the following fish in the tank for 3-4 months 5 yoyo loaches 1 pleco 5...
  25. blur411

    Video Of Me Hand Feeding My Guppies And Yoyo Loaches

    Its a whisper 300, it has always made that noise (it was used though), I've had it since April. Is it anything to worry about?
  26. blur411

    Video Of Me Hand Feeding My Guppies And Yoyo Loaches

    I haven't been on the board in awhile, but thought maybe someone would be interested in seeing this cute/neat video of my fish hand feeding. I love the smacking noise the yoyo's make!
  27. blur411

    White Fuzzy Patches, Not Spots?

    I never treated the fungus, because they pretty much all died pretty shortly after noticing it. I treated the Ich, and I've done many large water changes since that tank seemed to not cycle well with the filter media. The levels are reading well now though, so I can put some charcoal in and then...
  28. blur411

    White Fuzzy Patches, Not Spots?

    All the fish died except one, who has no spots of ich or fungus... There are currently no meds in the tank, how long should I wait before I add this one sole survivor? She has been spot free all along, somehow more immune maybe? I figured I'd wait 7 days? How do I clean the hospital tank?
  29. blur411

    White Fuzzy Patches, Not Spots?

    Ok thank you, it says it lasts 30 days for the ich medications, but carbon removes it. Should I put Carbon in the filter and remove the ich stuff and then buy fungal infection medications?
  30. blur411

    White Fuzzy Patches, Not Spots?

    I have a hospital tank with fish I got from a LFS, that I thought had ich. They had small white spots all over. I have been treating them with Mardel Coppersafe for over a week now, and it seemed a lot of the spots diminished and honestly I have't looked at them in two days with my work...
  31. blur411

    I'm So Frustrated With This "cycling" Of My Hospital Tank

    Thanks! I have my temps still up in hopes of keeping as many "free swimming" as possible with with medication. Once I see no spots, I will give them 2 weeks, and then lower the temps slowly to what the main tank is...if they stay spot free for another week I guess I'll try and move them over. We...
  32. blur411

    I'm So Frustrated With This "cycling" Of My Hospital Tank

    Thank you, I may give that a try. I see a decrease in spots on the fish, I maybe see 1 or 2 per fish...where initially I saw 10+ on each before. How do I know when it's gone and I can add them to my main tank? I'm willing to do most things to help my fish... as long as I don't break the bank and...
  33. blur411

    I'm So Frustrated With This "cycling" Of My Hospital Tank

    I did that, and honestly, I haven't gotten much input. I feel like with this situation I didn't get much help, which is unusual from this board :-/
  34. blur411

    I'm So Frustrated With This "cycling" Of My Hospital Tank

    Since my main tank has a dual filter I will take some more, since I took the media 5 days ago, and did a water test in the main tank today and everything is fine. I will take more today. I lost one female guppy (from the set I got from the bad bade LFS) today, and I suspect it was from the poor...
  35. blur411

    I'm So Frustrated With This "cycling" Of My Hospital Tank

    From what I read on here, most people don't keep their hospital tanks up and running when not in use, right? So that means, using the filter media seems to be pretty reliable for you guys, right? I have a cycled 55 gallon, that I took filter media from (Just the sponge, not the carbon/charcoal...
  36. blur411

    Journal- My First Time Attempt At Fighting Ich

    Day 3/4 The white spots have diminished further, the water changes have had to be kept up, not sure if the filter media is working. Ammonia was .25 again and nitrite .5. Did a 75% percent water change again. Added more medication (since I took most out with water change). Temp is 82-83 degrees...
  37. blur411

    Clown Loach In A 3 Ft 180 Litre

    Your tank is too small for Clown Loaches, they get very large and wouldn't be happy. Maybe try YoYo loaches? I have a 55 gallon US and I have 5, and they also take care of my snails.
  38. blur411

    Possible Ich

    Thanks, I was getting more responses under the general section, so went with that one. Anyways, the store would not take them back, they had a sign at the cash register that said no returns/refunds. So, I ended up getting a quarantine tank, and buying treatment...trying to treat them now in...