Search results

  1. B

    White Blisters

    looks like fungus or ulcers its raised so im going to go with fungus but i hear thats rare in tanks .... also i just found a damsill fly nymph in the tank ... kinda having a #136### week i just did a water change on thursday of last week about 50% im so confused and i also have my clawed frog...
  2. B

    White Blisters On Silver Dollar Help Please Asap!

    here is a link to the discription please help
  3. B

    White Blisters

    hey guys new here been on a few other forums but never seem to get help when i need it so now im here so basically whats going on is i have a large 60 gallon 2 silver dollars bushy nose pleco black clawed frog 2 gouramis and brown knife fish everything as far as chemicals is pretty good no...
  4. silver dollar1.jpg

    silver dollar1.jpg

  5. silver dollar male.jpg

    silver dollar male.jpg

  6. silver dollar male 2.jpg

    silver dollar male 2.jpg
