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  1. WLuke93

    Pleco's For A Good Home

    LFS have said they'll take them off my hands :)
  2. WLuke93

    Pleco's For A Good Home

    I have 2 Pleco's that i'm looking to give new homes, one i have had for a few years and is about 20cm, its just getting too big and keeps tearing up my plants and the other is about 10cm, they're both in one tank which wasnt supposed to happen, the smaller one was supposed to be temporally but...
  3. WLuke93

    Oil Catfish?

    I got one of these this week, seen him in a lfs and he looked really cute, i asked if he was suitable in a community fish tank and they said yeah, now he just kinda sits under a piece of wood and looks like he smiles at you all day, within 20 minutes of the light out he's dashing about...
  4. WLuke93

    Rainbows & Male Fighter?

    That stock list is old and has since been changed and completely different
  5. WLuke93

    Rainbows & Male Fighter?

    Would rainbow fish kill a male fighter fish?
  6. WLuke93

    Shrimp Id Please!

    It wont be the shrimp, i had these in a tank of different fish and although confident they didnt harm anything, their 'claws' are for looking for food amd feeling where they're going, they're not powerful enough to do damage.
  7. WLuke93

    Savage Shrimp

    I was looking online and notice this little shrimp and i was wondering if its predatory? would it attack other shrimps or small fish or is it peaceful? doesnt seem to allow me to add an image :/
  8. WLuke93

    Aquarium Co2 Set Up?

    I'v been lookng at co2 set ups for my aquarium when i get it and most people have said the fire extinguisher method is the best, unfortunatly i have never had a co2 set up before so dont really know what to do, apart from the extinguisher, could someone tell what exactly i would need for the...
  9. WLuke93

    High Grade Red Cherry Shrimp, Sakura & Fire Red

    No problem, i'll look into buying 10 once i have my new aquarium and its up and ready :)
  10. WLuke93

    Freshwater Clams

    cheers, although they seem rather interesting to have, they seem hard work for something you'll barely see, i'll probably stick to shrimps which are alot easier to look after :)
  11. WLuke93

    Freshwater Clams

    I was looking around on the internet and noticed you can get freshwater clams for your aquarium, i thought this was cool as its something different in the tank and apparently they're good for your tank aswell, i read abit and it said dont keep them with crabs and lobsters etc, but are they able...
  12. WLuke93

    More Than One Plec?

    i'll try getting a picture of it when it decides to come out of hiding, like i said, i've had it for a goo 8 years and it hasnt gotten much bigger :L
  13. WLuke93

    More Than One Plec?

    I'e had it for a good 8 years and hasnt gotten any bigger, thats why i was going to move him into a bigger tank ;o And i wasnt planning on getting another of the same kind, i had seen a zebra pleco that looked very nice
  14. WLuke93

    More Than One Plec?

    The site i found the picture says its a sailfin pleco :)
  15. WLuke93

    More Than One Plec?

    Mine looks like this one and about 17cm long
  16. pleco_sailfin1.jpg


  17. WLuke93

    More Than One Plec?

    Can more than one plec be together? I'm going to be getting a new 200L tank soon and my plec that i have had a few years is going in there, i was wondering if it would be territorial and aggressive if i introduced another into the tank?
  18. WLuke93

    Fry Guppy Found

    she had the fry the same night, had to quickly risk putting her in the breeder with the shrimps, all was succesful and she only seemed to give birth to about 15 fry which are all safe and sound :D
  19. WLuke93

    Fry Guppy Found

    I thought of that but everywhere is closed :-( even tried ordering one for tomorrow but nowhere can that fast, i'll just have to hope she doesnt give birth overnight to anymore and quickly get one :L
  20. WLuke93

    Fry Guppy Found

    so i was looking in my tank at my newly purchased shrimps and noticed a very small fry hiding in the corner, the guppy i think it came from is still fat, they only problem is, i have baby shrimps temporarily in the breeding net i had, is there any other advice on how to quarantine her so i dont...
  21. WLuke93

    High Grade Red Cherry Shrimp, Sakura & Fire Red

    nvm with the pictures :L they seemed to appear when i sent the last message :lol: I would be interested in 5 please, 3 females and 2 males if you can :) pm for details thanks :good:
  22. WLuke93

    High Grade Red Cherry Shrimp, Sakura & Fire Red

    hey, i would be interested but i can only see one of your images, any way to send me the others? :)
  23. WLuke93

    Shrimp Id Please!

    like really long thin claws/arms? yeah mine had those, they didnt bother fish, they just waved about abit and if i a fish touched it, they moved, its just for finding food or feeling about far infront of it, its not powerful enough to do damage. these shrimps were very handy at clearing dead...
  24. WLuke93

    Shrimp Id Please!

    Hey, I've had 4-6 of these before in my tank, idk what their scientific name is, the shops just call them glass shrimps, they're completely harmless and wont attack fish, they just scrounge on the floor and eat waste, if you see it with a dead fish, it hasnt killed it, its just eating the...
  25. WLuke93

    Khuli Loaches And Light?

    hmnm, mine seem to hide up in the corner together draping over the heater, your idea of a night light timed to come on sounds really good, may try this when they're in there new 200L home :)
  26. WLuke93

    Khuli Loaches And Light?

    As it is a temporary tank, i dont have tons of hiding places as i wanted it to be easy to be able to find all the fish again when moving them, i do have something in there they can go inside and hide but they dont seem to bother with it :L
  27. WLuke93

    Khuli Loaches And Light?

    I currently have 3 khuli loaches that are at the moment in a temporary tank while i wait for my 200L, they seem fine but when ever i turn the light on the tank they all seem to go beserk and dash about like gizmo from gremlins :L but then leave it a few minutes and they settle, is there a reason...
  28. WLuke93


    would a loach eat the snail? such as a pakistani loach or a dwarf loach?
  29. WLuke93


    ooo, glad it hitch hicked into my aquarium now :D its rather amusing watching it dig about :')
  30. WLuke93


    After looking at some pictures of trumpet snails it does look like one of those, i only have one, will it do any harm or is it just a good addition to the tank? :)
  31. WLuke93


    I have a snail in my aquarium that came with some of my fish, its about 2cm-2.5cm and i thought snails generally attached themselfs to the glass or plants etc but mine seems to dig in the sand and dissapear and then re-appear somewhere else, is this normal? :L
  32. WLuke93

    Loaches With Shrimps?

    Would loaches such as pakistani loches, skunk loaches & dwarf loaches? kill, attack or eat shrimps such as amano shrimps, glass shrimps?
  33. WLuke93

    Guppy Time Period?

    Yeahh, i'll get it set up and ready fr when they do have babies :)
  34. WLuke93

    Guppy Time Period?

    Would i be able to move them into a smaller tank when giving birth and then move them back after? or would that stress her out?
  35. WLuke93

    Guppy Time Period?

    hmmm, quite a while then ;o i have two females and a male, both females look like they have a dark patch at the back but i cant tell if its babies or just them, one females rather dark anyway so idk if its just her colour :/
  36. WLuke93

    Guppy Time Period?

    Whats the time period of a guppy becoming pregnant and giving birth?
  37. WLuke93

    Guppy Is Confused?

    I just two new guppy's male and female, and as soon as i entered them into the tank, the male swam of hiding and my female went straight to my two panchax's and now follows them about everywhere, is this normal? :L
  38. WLuke93

    The Updated Fluval Edge Light

    Wouldnt that cut air circulation? even though the air stone provides air and so do the plants, wouldnt covering it cut it by alot?
  39. WLuke93

    The Updated Fluval Edge Light

    A cover glass? the fluval top is mostly glass anyway as it fills to the top leaving only a small square gap where the light/filter etc can slot
  40. WLuke93

    The Updated Fluval Edge Light

    I havn't had this tank for long and the lighting was great, since i put my air stone in though the condensation seems to have gotten into the protective case and burnt most of the LED lights out, I have ordered a replacement for it but would like to know of any way to prevent condensation from...