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  1. Z

    Snail identification & how to get rid...!

    Hi folks, I'm hoping someone on here can help me with some advice..? - I have a 200ltr tank low tec planted tank with sand substrate, and inadvertantly had some snails on some plants I purchased a while back. - now these little beggars have gone on a breeding frenzy, - I have tried picking them...
  2. snail 19.05.21.jpg

    snail 19.05.21.jpg

  3. Z

    Do I need to worry about these snails.

    Hi All, Just coming to the end of a fishless cycle, last week decided to add some plants from a LFS - This morning I have spotted some snails in the tank. Should I be worried and do I need to get rid of them. At present nothing in the tank apart from plants, ornanments and wood. So far I've...
  4. Snails_Airline.jpg


  5. Snail _ Sand grains.jpg

    Snail _ Sand grains.jpg

  6. graph 2 .jpg

    graph 2 .jpg

  7. Z

    New tank help...

    So i'm currently on week 6 of a fishless cycle. About 10 days ago (9/2/21) I did a snack dose of ammonia whilst waiting for Nitrites to drop. I dosed with 1.8ml when I tested the follwoing morning all the ammonia had gone. On the 13th feb I added some easy care plants and on the 16th my...
  8. Z

    New to planted tank advice

    Hi Essjay - Thanks for the answers to my questions. I think i should have made my fertilizer dosing clearer. I don't dose 35 times a week, When i bought Colombo Flora grow i need to dose at 1 squirt for every 5 litre of tank. I have a 200 ltr tank less 15% for wood / substrate etc so work on...
  9. Z

    New to planted tank advice

    Morning All, - I am coming ( I hope ) to the end of my fishless cycle ( Just starting week 6 of cycle ). I added 5 bunches of plants ( easy grow ) to my aqauarium for some colour on 13th February. I have sand substrate and no co2 injection so LFS when i purchased my plants sold me some Colombo...
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  12. Planted tank (1) 13th Feb 2021.jpg

    Planted tank (1) 13th Feb 2021.jpg

  13. Penthorum Sedoides - feb 21.jpg

    Penthorum Sedoides - feb 21.jpg

  14. Echinodorus Sunset - Feb 21.jpg

    Echinodorus Sunset - Feb 21.jpg

  15. Bacopa Amplexicaulis - Feb 21.jpg

    Bacopa Amplexicaulis - Feb 21.jpg

  16. Z

    Need more green

    Morning All, - Looking for some inspirartion. I feel this tank needs a bit more green. Had tanks in the past and just got back into it. Just coming to the end of a fishless cycle. Tank is a Fluval Roma 200, with Aquasky 2 LED light 21w 1600 lummens. Sand substrate. What ever i get needs to be...
  17. tank pic 2 - feb 2021.jpg

    tank pic 2 - feb 2021.jpg

  18. Z

    New tank help...

    Ok I'll do a snack dose as per fishless cycle and see where that takes me. - thanks again..
  19. Z

    New tank help...

    Hi Essjay, thanks for coming back to me. i have done a dillution test on nitrite and it is showing 4ppm, so I assume I now need to dose with ammonia again. - But to what amount 3ppm or the snack dose amount as it says for dose #3 which tecnically this will be.? Can i assume then the Nitrate at...
  20. Z

    New tank help...

    Morning Essjay i'm back for some more of your valuable knowledge if i may.? - I did put a post on yesterday just so as i'm not bothering you all the time, but got no response so unfortunately i need to bug you again as not sure which step to do next. I re dosed my tank back to 3ppm as my test...
  21. graph 1 .jpg

    graph 1 .jpg

  22. graph 1 .jpg

    graph 1 .jpg

  23. Z

    New tank help...

    Morning All, - I have already got some invaluable advice from members on this site and now I'm afriad i need more. - I am about 24 days into a fishless cycle, dosing using Dr timms ammonia. My graph doesn't appear to be following the graph on the fishless cycle page on this site but have had...
  24. Z

    New tank help...

    Will give it a go. - As a back up i have some fluval cycle, but i'm resisting using it until i get desperate., I read somewhere that once you start using this artificial bacteria you are stuck using it. I'd much rather do it the natural way as it were.. - thanks again for your help, much...
  25. Z

    New tank help...

    OK Thanks, Will wait for the 0.75ppm reading. Does it not matter if the nitrites is not at 2ppm by the time my ammonia hits 0.75ppm.?
  26. Z

    New tank help...

    Hi All, - back again. - Sorry ! - I'm still at a loss with where to go with my cycle now. So if you can provide anymore hints it would be appreciated. About 5 days ago my ammonia dropped to 2ppm, Nitrites crept up from zero to 0.25ppm, and nitrates is sitting at 5ppm, they have been like this...
  27. Z

    New tank help...

    In your opinion where do i go from here, stick it oiut and see where it goes or do a water change, if so how much would you recommend.? I'm assuming this will reduce ammonia in the hope it kick starts the cycle.
  28. Z

    New tank help...

    Many Thanks for the info Essjay, I will certainly take on board and check out the links you have provided. - Its been a week today since i added my ammonia and still no nitrites (testing every day) I have dr timms ammonia which says does to 5ppm which i have done and it is what i'm reading on my...
  29. Z

    New tank help...

    Morning all, - I have been away from fish keeping for a few years an recently got myself a fluval Roma 200, I have started the cycle with Dr timms Ammonia ( @ 4 drops per US gallon this being approx 169 drops), i have tested for the last 2 days and ammonia is static at 5ppm according to the NT...
  30. tank pic 1.jpg

    tank pic 1.jpg
