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  1. katiefairyinnit

    New Betta Suddenly Very Ill

    I've lost 2 more platies this morning! Please help! I don't know whats going on. They had a little fungus-like cotton growth on one of their fins, no other symptoms. They just seem to have gone from looking fine to dead in a matter of a few hours. I thought that infections tended to build up to...
  2. katiefairyinnit

    New Betta Suddenly Very Ill

    Unfortunately the Betta passed away this evening :( So there's just the platies left for me to try and save. There's a platy with a cotton-like fungus on its side and the left side of its belly is swollen. And also the platy with the fin issue :(
  3. katiefairyinnit

    New Betta Suddenly Very Ill

    Thanks, I hadn't thought of that. I'll bathe them all in epsom salt and try that. :)
  4. katiefairyinnit

    New Betta Suddenly Very Ill

    The platy had a fight with the other platy and looked a bit shaken afterwards, so maybe thats why he's got it? It was definitely intact the last time I checked him, unless theyve had another fight that ive not seen. And all i can think of is that the fighter was stressed from transit and just...
  5. katiefairyinnit

    New Betta Suddenly Very Ill

    Update - I've found what looks like a symptom of fin rot on one platy. He's got half a pectoral fin on one side, which looks a bit fuzzy on the edge so deffo not a bite! Does this mean the rest may become ill too? I dont wanna medicate the main tank cuz of the babies! Can I avoid that? Ive...
  6. katiefairyinnit

    New Betta Suddenly Very Ill

    When I bought him, I didnt notice any tattered fins, but he my have had an onset of it that escaped my attention? He's dramatically changed appeareance since I got him though. He's been in quarantine for hours now. When he went in he had a top fin disintegrated, looking exactly like the online...
  7. katiefairyinnit

    New Betta Suddenly Very Ill

    No they've got their territory and he's taken to the opposite corner of the tank. The apistos are far too interested in their babies to bother anyone else (unless its a little chase if they come too close) His fins are literally disintegrating, they dont look bitten. This is really sudden :( the...
  8. katiefairyinnit

    New Betta Suddenly Very Ill

    I bought a Betta 2 days ago from my lfs and it looked fine. It settled in OK and I checked it this morning and it was active. Then i came home around 2pm and it was being very lethargic so I had a good look at him and noticed that his top fin has almost disintegrated?! The tail and other fins...
  9. katiefairyinnit

    Diseased Betta

    I dont think i have much time, he's now laid on the floor and gasping! This is very sudden and I looked at him before I left the house at about 12pm and he seemed ok, besides the fin damage i assume, which i managed to not notice! But he was behaving fine. I have no idea whats going on. I...
  10. katiefairyinnit

    Diseased Betta

    Thanks for the reply. Of course I am concerned about him, he's number 1 priority! He's being treated in a hospital tank now. Perhaps I should have explained myself a little better :/ What i am worried about is it infecting my other fish. I have newly hatched cockatoo cichlids and dont want an...
  11. katiefairyinnit

    Diseased Betta

    I bought a Betta 2 days ago from my LFS and have jut noticed its top fin has sort of eroded away and looks really straggly. I'm pretty sure its fin rot, and none of my other fish are infected. To be honest, the fish looks in a bad way. I'm Just wondering if I should tell the shop I bought him...
  12. katiefairyinnit

    Depressed Betta Please Help!

    Hi guys, Unfortunately my betta passed away in the early hours of this morning :( I guess he just didn't want to try any more, poor little guy. I wanna say thank you to everyone who offered me advice, I really appreciate the help x
  13. katiefairyinnit

    Depressed Betta Please Help!

    thanks, it did make sense :) I didnt have time to do anything but soak the filter sponge now he's in the hospital tank and ive put him his favourite slate cave in. He's been in for about 45 mins and unfortunately he's still sitting at the bottom. Its like he's just given up :( I had to turn off...
  14. katiefairyinnit

    Depressed Betta Please Help!

    hey everyone - Just an update.... My betta has taken a turn for the worse tonight. He's been lying on the floor and a few of the others have noticed him behaving weakly and have pecked at him, now my betta is looking really bad and breathing heavily so Ive put him into the breeding trap. He's...
  15. katiefairyinnit

    Depressed Betta Please Help!

    wow, i didn't realise they needed that much space when fully grown! If I rehome the boesmani rainbows, is there a good chance the betta will return to normal? I dunno what I'll do if i get rid of the rainbows and he carries on being like this! The boesmanis were a one-off as nowhere near me ever...
  16. katiefairyinnit

    Depressed Betta Please Help!

    I'd honestly rehome the boesmanis. These guys get a bulky 6 inches long and like to be kept in schools rather than pairs. try to find somebody with a good 75 gallon (preferably larger) tank for them. I understand being attached to fish, but you can't give them a miserable life because you like...
  17. katiefairyinnit

    Depressed Betta Please Help!

    I know he's scared, I just want to figure out a way to help him get over it. As far as I'm concerned, he has nothing to be frightened of. I selected my fish very carefully and watched their behaviour before purchase as I wanted a peaceful tank with no dramas! My Boesmani rainbow is only a...
  18. katiefairyinnit

    Depressed Betta Please Help!

    Thanks for your reply :) The tetras don't go near him at all, neither do any of my others. The little chase by the Boesman is the only incident ive seen and the tank's in my living room so I look at it most hours of the day. The betta is just notoriously delicate and wussy. I've stocked the tank...
  19. katiefairyinnit

    Depressed Betta Please Help!

    Yeah, I did see the male rainbowfish follow him once but he's never tried to bite him and the betta has no damage to his fins or anything. The rainbowfish gets a bit crazy at meal times and whizzes round the tank but he's harmless. I am suspicious that is whats sparked him off to behave...
  20. katiefairyinnit

    Depressed Betta Please Help!

    He's roughly 9 months old
  21. katiefairyinnit

    Depressed Betta Please Help!

    Hi guys, My crowntail betta has been looking really depressed for about 2 weeks now. He used to be really active and happy and now he just hides at the bottom of my tank all the time. He appears to be suddenly frightened of the other fish in my tank too, and swims away in terror if any come...
  22. katiefairyinnit

    Issues With Hospital Tank, Help/advice Appreciated!

    Hi everyone, I'm currently experiencing issues with my hospital tank. Its a 10 litre tank, its fully cycled and currently houses a single black molly who's been in there for about 8 weeks. I got the hospital tank when he showed signs of illness, but through lots of digging, trial and error...
  23. katiefairyinnit

    Sick Molly, No Idea What's Wrong! Help Please!

    Thanks for the reply Kerf. Just an update - I'm keeping the NO2 down and NO3 has risen above 0 now so I'm happy I can control the parameters okay :) The fish still has cloudy eyes but the mysterious red spot on his fin has now disappeared! Very strange! He's still got the single white dot. He's...
  24. katiefairyinnit

    Sick Molly, No Idea What's Wrong! Help Please!

    I've just changed his water now. i did 50% and the NO2 is now between 0 and 1 on my scale, so it's come down. Do you think rinsing his filter sponge in my main tank's filter sponge water is a good idea? Its not massively elevated, and my test says anything under 5 for NO2 would be safe for him...
  25. katiefairyinnit

    Sick Molly, No Idea What's Wrong! Help Please!

    Thanks for the reply :) Yeah I am using a filter in a new quarantine tank. The guy at the shop said I'd be ok to squeeze out the main tank's filter sponges and soak my new filter sponge in it, but thats obviously not worked. Will doing water changes help, cuz thats what's taken out all the good...
  26. katiefairyinnit

    Sick Molly, No Idea What's Wrong! Help Please!

    Hi, i put him in there cuz his eyes went cloudy overnight in my main tank. It was while in quarantine he developed the red spot, but he already had the white spot. Don't think I'll be able to get the spots on a photo, they're so small! Do you know how I can fix his water? I don't think the...
  27. katiefairyinnit

    Sick Molly, No Idea What's Wrong! Help Please!

    I separated my black molly into a quarantine tank 4 days ago and on the advice of a fish shop owner, put him in a 10 litre quarantine tank with filtration, an air pump, heater, a rock and a small plastic plant. He developed cloudy eyes overnight (both) and went partially blind. Over the last 4...
  28. katiefairyinnit

    Help Please! Sluggish Fish! What's Going On In My Tank?

    thanks for all the replies - Just updating on the situation. All sluggish and sad-lloking fish have now made a miraculous recovery and are doing very well. Seems it was just a strange occurance and nothing more! Thank you for all the help xx
  29. katiefairyinnit

    Bloated Betta, Advice Please!

    Hi guys, My betta is still bloated even after fasting for a week! I've given him small pieces of pea in between fasting him but he's still not been to the toilet and he's still bloated. He seems happy but I'm concerned that his condition isn't improving. Does anyone have any advice?
  30. katiefairyinnit

    Hi Guys And Girls, Another Newbie Here!

    Hi, I've only found 3 pet shops round here, 2 small ones and one in Salford that's quite expensive. Do you know of any more?
  31. katiefairyinnit

    Hi Guys And Girls, Another Newbie Here!

    Thanks everyone, its nice to meet you all. I've already had really good advice so far :) getting opinions from others is much better than reading books. Dieses Madchen, I saw a couple of your entries on the competition pages. Your fish are lovely :)
  32. fighter.jpg


  33. katiefairyinnit

    Bloated Betta, Advice Please!

    Hi guys, I've included a photo of my fighter, to get a better idea whats wrong with him.Thanks!
  34. katiefairyinnit

    Bloated Betta, Advice Please!

    Thanks, I'll look into that Betta food. He's difficult to feed as he's so slow but my other fish are greedy so they all get to the food before him. They even try eating my pleco's pellets! My black mollie is just a regular mollie, but like 3 times as big as a normal one. I got him from a pet...
  35. katiefairyinnit

    Bloated Betta, Advice Please!

    Lilfishie - Thanks for the info, I've heard that they can be a bad combination too. I shall keep my eye on them both. The gourami is quite shy and keeps himself to himself. I'm really lucky with how well my tank are doing. They all seem really happy with each other, apart from the odd chase...
  36. katiefairyinnit

    Bloated Betta, Advice Please!

    Megazerino - He's not sitting on the bottom, he's moving as usual. He doesn't look unhappy but this only happened last night. Sorry to hear about your Betta. How long was he like that for? afremont - Thanks for the info. He looks like he may be constipated, but he doesn't eat much so its a...
  37. katiefairyinnit

    Bloated Betta, Advice Please!

    I haven't soaked the flakes but I've read that i should have done. I shall do this from now on. Is he likely to recover without treatment?
  38. katiefairyinnit

    Bloated Betta, Advice Please!

    Hi all, My betta has suddenly developed a bloated belly. It happened shortly after feeding last night but hasn't got any bigger. I don't think its dropsy as the scales are not protruding. He doesn't look unhappy but i don't wanna let it get to a point where he's not doing well. I thought he...
  39. katiefairyinnit

    Am I Underfeeding My Fish ...

    Hi Cezza, How would I find out how much fish would eat in the wild? I do a lot of reading about fish keeping but don't remember coming across anything about that. i'd be interested to know how much they'd eat in the wild if you could share any info you've got? Thanks!