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    Light Green Xmas Moss (See Photos)

    Hi, Is there any more of this available? Andy.
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    Shrimp Care Guide

    Hi all, some great info on these forums. I have a quick question, if anyone can help... I've just bought some yellow cherry shrimp & the LFS has put a fish in there along with the shrimp. :S Aparently it's a Scarlet Badis. I've had a quick look around but can't find much on this fish but I...
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    Thanks again
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    Just one more question... During the fishless cycle, do the lights go on at all? Probably doesn't make any difference but thought I'd ask the question Cheers again
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    Thanks for the quick reply, much appreciated. Can you buy a filter start product which encourages the good bacteria, like the ones used for pond filters? Thanks again
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    Hi, I'm new to the site & was searching for an answer to cloudy, almost milky looking water. I assume from what's been said here, it must be a bacteria bloom. Will this clear after a day or so or longer? I have no fish at the moment & the tank has been running since Saturday. Great site by...