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  1. M

    Help With Baby Cherry Barb

    I've just noticed that an extra cherry barb has appeared in my tank, At a gues I'd say it's around 10mm long, not sure how long it takes to get to that size but im guessing atleast a few weeks. It seems to have managed by itself so far but do they require any special care or do i just need to...
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    Help With Baby Cherry Barb

    I've just noticed that an extra cherry barb has appeared in my tank, At a gues I'd say it's around 10mm long, not sure how long it takes to get to that size but im guessing atleast a few weeks. It seems to have managed by itself so far but do they require any special care or do i just need to...
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    Male Betta Stuck To Filter Inlet.

    Cherry barbs are peaceful and are fine with bettas. See the link below, one of many sources i've read (in addition to books) which indicate cherry barbs are peaceful and are ok to be in a tank with bettas, also id like to add that theyre together now and im having no problems with aggression...
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    Male Betta Stuck To Filter Inlet.

    I thought thats why it might have been but didn't want to leave him there to find out.
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    Male Betta Stuck To Filter Inlet.

    Thanks for your advice. Everything I've read on the Internet prior to buying them seemed to be split about 50/50, for keeping males and females together. And generally the main comment was the level of aggression depends on the personality of the fish. I've also read that females should be ok in...
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    Male Betta Stuck To Filter Inlet.

    Hi everyone, I've put a male betta and 3 females in my community tank today (juwel lido 120) and they seem happy, the male swims around alot and after a while he swims back to the top and rests in the floating plants I've just put in. He also appears to rest on the java ferns at the bottom of...
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    Has My Aquarium Cycled?

    Thanks for your response. I'll try Adding a few more fish and keep an eye on it. The water was slightly cloudy for a week or 2, I assumed that was a bacteria bloom.
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    Has My Aquarium Cycled?

    Hi everyone, I've had fish in my aquarium for about 4 weeks now. I've used some old filter media and was told this may possibly (depending in the levels of bacteria) stop me seeing an ammonia and or Nitrite spike. As I was doing a fish in cycle (6 cherry barbs in a 120l) I was doing daily water...
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    Stocking My New 120L Aquarium

    I'm currently cycling my 120l aquarium and am trying to decide what to put in there once it's done. I'm cycling using fish, I know it's not ideal but I fell into the trap of thinking the pet shop knew why they were talking about. I'm cycling with 5 cherry barbs. Once it's cycled I eventually...
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    Hi I'm New

    Thanks for your response. I understand the nitrogen cycle and cycling, and am testing on a daily basis. I'm also aware that I'll need to perform regular water changes to keep ammonia levels down when cycling with fish. I accept that the behaviour might be secondary to keeping ammonia down, but...
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    Hi I'm New

    Hi Terry, thanks for your reply. I've had the tank running for about a week to let temperature stabilise. Been checking the water every few days just to see If parameters remain the same. They've remained pretty much the same since I set it up. Obviously ammonia etc were at 0 as there were no...
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    Hi I'm New

    Hi everyone, I've recently bought my first aquarium, a juwel lido 120 and have 5 cherry barbs in there (2 male 3 female). They've only been in since yesterday but they seem very aggressive. Everything I've read prior to buying them suggests they're peaceful and good community fish. But From...