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  1. letsgophillyingeneral

    Pictures Of Planted Brackish Aquariums

    I think I see a sunken VW Beetle ? I really like the tank with the plants that kind of look like marijuana plants. What type of plants and wood are in that aquarium? Thanks
  2. letsgophillyingeneral

    New 25G Aquarium - Cycling

    Thank you all for the information, we will be holding off on adding any more fish. Also, I previously considered Cory's for this tank, but I must've been high at the time of the consideration -- I dose this tank with a spoon of aquarium salt per gallon. I believe the aquarium salt would harm the...
  3. letsgophillyingeneral

    20 Gallon Figure Eight Puff Tank And Any Tankmates?

    Unfortunately, I live in the US. Thank you for the offer, though!
  4. letsgophillyingeneral

    20 Gallon Figure Eight Puff Tank And Any Tankmates?

    Ah, so that's what those things are. Thanks for the info man!
  5. letsgophillyingeneral

    20 Gallon Figure Eight Puff Tank And Any Tankmates?

    Quick question, how do you guys measure the salinity of the water? I see these "SG 1.003" readings around the web but I'm not sure how to get the reading. Thank you in advance!
  6. letsgophillyingeneral

    New 25G Aquarium - Cycling

    The 25G just finished cycling! Woohoo. I guess it took just under a month.. not bad. (Seeded with mature filter media, substrate and decorative plant) The 25G currently has: - 1 Black Molly (f) - 3 Silver Molly (I think 1 is F and 2 are M, hard to tell) - 3 Male Guppy - 6 Female Guppy I was...
  7. letsgophillyingeneral

    New 25G Aquarium - Cycling

    One of the Black Mollies had her babies! And I came home to baby Convict Cichlids last night woohoo.
  8. letsgophillyingeneral

    New 25G Aquarium - Cycling

    Hello everyone! This is my first post, and it is in regards to a 25G aquarium I setup on 2/4/12. I'm in the midst of doing a fish-in cycle. The filter is a Penguin 200. I have an established aquarium and kept pieces of sponge in the filters to build up beneficial bacteria. So far, I moved a...