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  1. Mr Tomato

    Female Odessa Barbs Are Their Demise...why Do They Keep Dying By Explo

    Hello back. I've kept every kind of Barb since 1976. Recently I bought 10; Odessa Barbs. Within a week they all went Belly up but before that showed classic swim bladder problems..within three days of tank entry. All water parameters were good. Feeding was varied.. tank was heavily planted. 1...
  2. Mr Tomato

    Tiny bugs in tank, living on drift wood

    Making me itchy. Yep.. wood out..and complete teardown. Or maybe just put up with them?
  3. Mr Tomato

    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Ok.. undergravel filters are the future. "Hang on..I was told that by my local pet shop owner 1976. And my five Convicts made short work of it. Argh" dug up the gravel every day to see what that plastic white thing
  4. Mr Tomato

    Filter blockage theory.

    Hi .. Over the years I noticed sponge filters suffer from reduced flowage due to the usual. But none were impacted as much as those tanks containing bog wood or driftwood. Thought I'd look into it. Extracting some Tanin ladened scrapings from the four week old sponge .. I found under the...
  5. Mr Tomato

    Media inserts

    If you wanna keep an eye on ammonia but are a little busy to get test kit out ..Seachem do a nice little inserted device with a type of visible colour chart on the front..called ammonia alert. I know some who've used them and say they work quite well. They last about one year I'm told.
  6. Mr Tomato


    Have you thought about HOB or overhead trickle filters? I've found these types of filters so useful and easy maintenance since I swapped over from canisters. No leaking No crouching Fast cleaning Low noise.
  7. Mr Tomato

    Gravel Vac controversy

    It's amazing how controversial this subject has become. I watch with interest. As the Vacs Vs the anti Vacs.. collide. Even back in the 60s this was going on. Personally, I eventually settled for an even keel approach, that being..a little vac is helpful if readings get out of control, testing...
  8. Mr Tomato

    Gravel Vac controversy

    Question later, but first.. Everywhere in the hobby it's said over n over.. gravel vac. But the strangest thing is.. when we see on YouTube.. Dan Hitshew, ..Father Fish, and a few others, not gravel vac-ing, and there are the fish, shrimps, snails, all thriving and breeding sucssefully too...
  9. Mr Tomato

    Fish 'Can' see colour.

    Looking for ich
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  11. Mr Tomato

    Fish 'Can' see colour.

    Typo. Meant white . The red light was to lure them out. Does it make sense now lol
  12. Mr Tomato

    I’ve killed my colony

    Too bad. Terrible bad luck. Still that bleach can be Horrific stuff. Especially the double strength concentrated stuff. I've been in the hobby since 1976 and believe me, to this very day, still learning. Marine Biology is such a vast world and as soon as we even begin to catch-up it takes off...
  13. Mr Tomato

    Fish 'Can' see colour.

    I mean.. white
  14. Mr Tomato

    Fish 'Can' see colour.

    Yep I get that and as a rule I don't either excepting when I have a suspicion of possible ick or want to see if the fish are healthy. Having lured out the shyest critters out into the open I can zap the light to red and get a better eyeball.
  15. Mr Tomato

    Heater question

    Hi..well...I had to.. I'd place it just in front of the outlet of the filter. A suspicious must better than no heater. But that's just me.
  16. Mr Tomato

    How to change Mr. Tomato? To Underwater Adventures? Or am I stuck with it? Ha ha

    How to change Mr. Tomato? To Underwater Adventures? Or am I stuck with it? Ha ha
  17. Mr Tomato

    Fish 'Can' see colour.

    After changing over from flourecent. To. LED lighting, I was having a real time of it deciding what colour to select in one of the tanks. The white cloud and other mountain Minnow were proving to be a tad shy that day and I tried firstly to dim the light. No affect. Blue? They came out a little...
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  20. Mr Tomato

    I think my betta is dying

    Hi.. how old is the poor critter. Maybe there's a possible answer in the question.
  21. Mr Tomato

    How to get rid of your Tomato name. LOL

    How to get rid of your Tomato name. LOL
  22. Mr Tomato

    New Shrimp tank & Trying to Plant Carpet Plant again.

    I used crypts many of them. It did the job nicely.low light and no Co2 panics needed. Nice to see the shrimp dodging in and out of them like some miniature underwater forest.looks good.
  23. Mr Tomato

    Bloodred parrot

    Considered heater burn?
  24. Mr Tomato

    Eheim Pickup: Modification.

    Hi. It's.been a while... Anyway. I recently modified an Eheim Pickup 160. Although told.cant be done.. cut out center prong half way down.. inserted Bio home gravel in net. After cutting sponge in half. So, can be done. Works just fine. The other way if you're desperate for 'cintered glass bio...
  25. Mr Tomato

    Harmonica in the breeze

    Recently I did upload an interesting couple of videos showing my trickle filter innovation a relaunch of the undergravel filter. With the addition of Bio Home Media and its brilliant Nitrate controlling properties
  26. Mr Tomato

    Relaunching the infamous under gravel biological filter..

    Relaunching the infamous under gravel biological filter..
  27. Mr Tomato

    Bacteria Continued

    Blooming, with new gravel In a complete new set-up-'when bloom is on', -should one continue to add 'Filter start' as directed on the box? every 2 days until completion of suggested dosage or leave out the extra-until the bloom has settled? This is not written down on instruction leaflet. ta...
  28. Mr Tomato

    Bacterial Blooms Explained

    Some more info..fine tuned would be great. eg.. blooming, with new gravel and complete new set-up-'when bloom is on', adding new water-should one continue to add 'Filter start' as directed on the box? every 2 days until completion of suggested dosage or leave out the extra-until the bloom has...
  29. Mr Tomato

    Bacterial Blooms Explained

    very interesting article,however..some more detailed advice would be useful on accurate water changing-and if to re-introduce tank safe again on those water changes during the bloom.
  30. Mr Tomato

    Siamese Twins

  31. Mr Tomato

    Siamese Twins

    Yeah' I hope I don't have to break such terrible news as that. But I swear I'll tell all. I don't mind being proved wrong. It;s always a learning curve. On a lighter note, I've just taken delivery of a custom made 100 ltr tank, for some Tiger barb orphans 34 in all. I've been getting...
  32. Mr Tomato

    Siamese Twins

    The point... To share experience and knowledge. To be flexible. To be tolerant. To be adventurous. To be experimental. Question... What happened to social skills?? Matt Clarke,Practical Fish keeping.
  33. Mr Tomato

    Siamese Twins

    I agree. your point is made. I have learned much from the wise one. you are far far more cleverer than I am. Thank god ... for you.
  34. Mr Tomato

    Siamese Twins

    Thanks for your input. I really wish you could be right here in this beautiful great room surrounded by these huge aquariums loaded with fish from the furthest reaches of the world. I've spared no expense. I could especially let you sit quietly and observe the two infamous Siamese fighters...
  35. Mr Tomato

    Siamese Twins

    You appear unclear about my Betta' experience . Suggesting I'm 'Irresponsible'..and 'Hopefully coming across this thread' chatter? I say again..." an exception to the rule" I fear you missed it . And I really do hope ..this helps clear up your obvious puzzlement. I award you '1 Tetra flake...
  36. Mr Tomato

    Pets At Home

    Where most fish swim upside down, half eaten fin-less fish lay on the gravel wondering when their time will come to go to that great aquarium in the sky. The staff in my opinion are either too young and inexperienced , poorly trained, or negligent. In any case, Pets at Home ,Enfield Has to clean...
  37. Mr Tomato

    Siamese Twins

  38. Mr Tomato

    Siamese Twins

    Nope.I cant agree' Stress is what they do best they were born for it. And mine are nearly four years old by now, and if stress were a an important factor, would they not have died yet? The fact is..That these two fellows are well, Healthy, and in a four foot well planted tank..and are Pals. A...
  39. Mr Tomato

    Did You Loop Them?

    that's a rather splendid tip-top looking fighter..well done. :rolleyes:
  40. Mr Tomato

    Siamese Twins

    In one of my community tanks I have broken the rules on keeping Siamese Fighting fish. No reads the book! NO! not 2 Male Siamese Fighters in the same aquarium. So how am I getting away with it? It's the trusty old mirror trick again. 2 thinly cut mirrors either side of the tank towards the back...