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  1. S

    Help Please

    I went up and got him to come out where I could see him better (nicely, of course, I had been letting him stay to the back under cover so he would be more calm and was trying to see him from there), he is actually much more bloated looking than I originally thought. Actually does have a few...
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    Help Please

    I will look at him more closely to check for any of the specifics you have mentioned, however, I do know that he has made no effort to eat. Thanks.
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    Help Please

    Thanks for your help. And if anyone else has anything to add, please chime in.
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    Help Please

    I'm digging out my spare tank (aka hospital tank) right now. I don't have any meds handy and won't be able to get any this evening, tomorrow at the earliest.
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    Help Please

    Nope, none of the above symptoms. He has really been just fine, great color and eating well up until yesterday when he first started seeming a little sluggish. Now, when I get home today he is mostly white with some pale orange towards the tail. Oh, and no new tankmates either. No spots or...
  6. S

    Help Please

    (also posted on gourami board) Hi, I have a dwarf flame gourami who has been fine for the past 2 months that I've had him, but now he's suddenly become very pale and listless. Found him laying on his side on the bottom of the tank and thought he was gone, but then realized he was breathing...
  7. S

    Help Please

    Hi, I have a dwarf flame gourami who has been fine for the past 2 months that I've had him, but now he's suddenly become very pale and listless. Found him laying on his side on the bottom of the tank and thought he was gone, but then realized he was breathing, albeit slowly. A bit later he was...
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    Kinda New to the whole thing....

    To answer your question, you do not NEED a plant to cycle. Now, for the "however", putting a plant or two in there could probably give you a boost in the getting the bacteria you need to seed the tank. It MAY speed up your cycle to get a plant, but it's not a guarantee. I can't...
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    Kinda New to the whole thing....

    Hi, beginner. I just recently did a fishless cycle on my 26 gal bowfront and was in a very similar situation as you with regards to not having anyone available with an established tank to get bacteria starts from. I did a single potted plant, but not sure how much it helped. I followed the...
  10. S

    Stocking a 38 Gallon

    I have harlequins, neons, flame tetras, danios, and cherry barbs in with mine and there haven't been any problems. The Flame was a bit skittish for about a week, but is getting better now.
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    Stocking a 38 Gallon

    Agree, I have both a dwarf flame gourami and just got an Opaline (sp?) gourami. Both very standout fish but good with the types of fish you already have.
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    Serpae Tetra question

    Over this past weekend my wife and I got the urge to do a pet store sweep in our general area and see what we could find to "round out" our aquarium population. At one place we came upon some fish my wife had had her eye on ever since she saw a picture of one on the internet...the Hi Fin Serpae...
  13. S

    Possible to have missed nitrite spike?

    Sorry, I tested the tap water after I did these other tests and the tap comes out a very definitive zero for nitrates. I started the tank up, two days later I began the fishless cycling with addition of ammonia and a day or two later, got a plant to seed bacteria. I am ending day 12 right now...
  14. S

    Possible to have missed nitrite spike?

    Currently ending day 12 of a fishless cycle. Ammonia levels were pretty high, so last night decided to replace some of the water and did about 20% of it. I tested ammonia again today and it's still fairly high, in the 7 - 8 range, and my nitrite test came out zero again, as usual. Here's the...
  15. S

    thinking of doing a 30 gallon tetra tank...

    Very cool...the one I'm cycling now is a 26 gal, so similar in size and I'm planning on having several tetras myself. Neons, black phantoms, bleeding hearts, and probably serpae. Trying to make sure anything else I plan to get will get along with them - possible candidates of a couple of...
  16. S

    Cycling question

    Thanks luxum :D . Yup, that's where my ammonia level is hanging. Waitin' on them nitrites to show up. The plant was not a big expense and if it gives my aquarium a little bacteria boost, then it's worth it. I'm eager for some fish, but patience is a, they probably wouldn't...
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    Cycling question

    Ok, plant's in the tank. We'll see if this moves things along. :whistle:
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    Where to buy

    Got mine at Walmart. :nod:
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    Cycling question

    LOL - That was what my intention to do yesterday was. Every time I tried to redirect her that I just wanted to get a plant, she argued the point and went another direction. I was already picking up a couple of other things there with a gift certificate I had, so rather than argue on a topic...
  20. S

    Cycling question

    hmmmm....the PetCo near me has a couple of products I found on their website. A "Cycle Biological Aquarium Supplement" on which the description states can be used to cycle new tanks, and "Aquarium Products Freshwater Biozyme", stated as being able to do the same thing. Thoughts? I talked to...
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    Ghost shrimp

    Was just talking to the owner of my lfs earlier today and asked her about ghost shrimp. I was interested in having some of them in my new tank once it was ready for fish. She claimed that she got a whole bunch of them and put them in a tank with about a dozen neons and that within a few days...
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    Thanks Vip! :D
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    bumblebee goby

    I'm a newbie here, but I had a 29 gal freshwater tank about 12 years ago and put 2 bumblebees in it, along with a bunch of various kinds of tetras (neon, serpae, scissor, etc). Within a day or two, I had neons with nipped out parts of their tails. I started a close watch of my two new...
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    The first 3 Weeks- BORING

    You need a water testing kit and you need to read up on cycling a tank, just like what is suggested in the previous few posts. Up at the top of this forum there are pinned topics. The one called avoiding and treating new tank syndrome has two articles in it regarding fishless cycling. At any...
  25. S

    Cycling question

    Not sure, but I could try. Back when I had a tank several years ago, I built up a good rapport with the owner of a good shop near me. They have since closed and the only ones within a half hour drive of me are almost exclusively saltwater oriented. Other than that, it's PetCo or PetsMart...
  26. S

    Cycling question

    I tried tagging this onto another thread, but didn't get any response, so I'll try again. I have a 26 gal that I am starting to cycle fishless. It has been running a little over 4 days now. I read the articles in the pinned thread regarding this method of cycling and while I have the...
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    Former aquarium owner (about 12 years ago) and recent recipient of a new 26 gal bowfront for my birthday. Setting it up as a freshwater tank and looking forward to many years of enjoying it. A brief scan of this site showed me that there was alot of good information and advice here, so...
  28. S

    Am i doing this right??

    To add onto this, I have started the fishless cycling of my 26 gal bowfront. I have the ammonia and the test kit. After reading the above articles regarding this form of cycling, I note that I do not have one of the suggested sources for bacteria (gravel from an established tank, live plant...