Search results

  1. rob00120

    New Tank Cycle

    i also have the main filter fluval 305 in the big tank so it don't matter if i wash the little filter in tap water as the 305 is washed in tank water and keeps the friendly bacteria alive
  2. rob00120

    New Tank Cycle

    hi i just got a new tank sat last week i have been trying to cycle it at first there was 0 amo 5 ppm nitrite 0 nitrate but now it is 0 ppm amo 0 ppm nitrite and 0 nitate the tank is a 64l with 1 new filter and 1 old filter that i took out of my Roma 240 but i wash the old filter in tap water...
  3. rob00120

    Amazon Puffer

    i plan to get at least 6 but as they are £15 each i have to get 2 at a time thanls for your help
  4. rob00120

    Standing Water For A Week

    most modern houses don't use hot water tanks any more and the pennies of gas that you use to put hot water in the bucket is not going to break the bank but damaging a 25l bucket will problem cause a lot of damage and will break the bank fish keeping is not a cheap hobby lol
  5. rob00120

    Chinese Algae Eater Killer In My Tank

    sorry i was not clear i just want advice on what to do with them as i have some one coming to get most of my other fish and don't want them going with them and killing them also will they be OK with amazon puffers ??. or if there was any way to stop them trying to suck my other fish to death...
  6. rob00120

    Chinese Algae Eater Killer In My Tank

    i got 2 chinese algae eaters they were ok for a little while but now 1 of them has started chaseing my other fish then my gold nuget pleco turns up dead and then 1 of my mollys and 4 neons gone missing my tank is a fluval roma 240 with fluval 305 amonia 0 ppm nitrite 0 ppm nitrate is about 40...
  7. rob00120

    Amazon Puffer

    thankyou for all of your replys i have decided to get rid of most of my fish so i can get 2 amazon puffers i have seen an amazon puffer in a tank with neons and guppys on youtube thanks for the help
  8. rob00120

    Can't Clear Water

    i am new to fish tanks (3 and a half months now)and i had this problem i tryed doing larg water changes every week but it did not work then i lost a fisk so i took all of my bogwood out of the tank to scrub it clean then i noticed all the fish poo was going under the bogwood i mean there was...
  9. rob00120

    Amazon Puffer

    i want to get an amazon puffer or a dwarf puffer for my tank but will they be compatable with my other fish i have neons and mollys dwarf gourami guld nugit pleco i no i will have to re home the neons and i want to rehome the mollys but will the others be ok thank you for any help rob
  10. rob00120


    you can always go to the lfs and get ro water from there if you have any thing to put it in good luck
  11. rob00120

    Pets At Home

    hi i buy from pets at home and i ask them if they take fish back they said that they would take them as a last resort if you had no were else to take them but if you take them back befor the 7 day guaranty ends they will exchange them or give you your money back but they will not give you any...
  12. rob00120

    Atc-300 Help Needed

    it can get quite warm in my liveing room i am on the secound floor so the heat from down stairs may cause it to be warmer but there is 9" of concreat between us on a sunday it gets very hot in my liveing room but the temp does not go up very much thanks for replying rob
  13. rob00120

    Atc-300 Help Needed

    hi thanks for your reply i tested it i set the temp high and the alarm sounded and the heater light went on then i set the temp low and the alarm sounded and the heater light went off so it is fully working i have a fluval g 300w heater i got the atc-300 because i dont want to get up 1 day and...
  14. rob00120

    Which Is Better A Sump Or External Filter

    that would be a great help as i have a fluval roma 240 and plan to have a sump in the next 4 months thank you for all the replys :good:
  15. rob00120

    Which Is Better A Sump Or External Filter

    thankyou for the help i think i will get my self a sump as soon as i have the money
  16. rob00120

    Which Is Better A Sump Or External Filter

    :drool: which is better a sump or external filter any advice will help thanks for your help
  17. rob00120

    Atc-300 Help Needed

    hi can any one help i have an ATC-300 i fitted it 1 week ago i have it set at 25c but it never goes below 26.2c i even unpluged the heater and it never went down it went up from 27.4c to 27.8c it does go down to 26.2c in earley hours i have pluged the heater back in but the heat light on the...
  18. rob00120

    Temperature Trust

    i have 2 heaters 1 300w fluval g and 1 150 w ? both set at 24c but the temp reads at 27c even when i had just the 300w 1 in it said 27c it goes down a little bit at night when the lights are off but all my fish are happy with that temp am hopeing to get a digital heater control
  19. rob00120

    Can I Get A Glue Link Please

    i use a hot glue gun no problems so far
  20. rob00120

    Pirate Ship Lighting Opinions Please?

    why not make it your self i am thinking of lighting a skul in red in my tank it will only take 10 min all the bits you need are cheap about £5.00 on ebay if you want to do the whole tank it will cost about £40 to £50 pound that is for a very bright light system with dimmers when i start my...
  21. rob00120

    Homeaid Tank Oranments?

    all it is is plastic and there is already loads of that in your tank and you dont have to wait 24 hours befor you put the item in your tank and quite a lot of people use it in there tanks that is good enough for me yes you have to make sure you clean it after you glue it make sure you get all...
  22. rob00120

    Homeaid Tank Oranments?

    thanks m8 i just wanted to see if any one has had any bad experience's with it
  23. rob00120

    Homeaid Tank Oranments?

    well i have a hot glue gun and lots of glue sticks i dont want to waste money my fish tank cost enough already :no:
  24. rob00120

    Homeaid Tank Oranments?

    hi all is it safe to use a hot glue gun to stick things together for use in my tank ?????? i have seen this done on youtube i have already used hot glue in my tank to hold a air stone in an Oranment i can not see it herting as it is solid when cold just have to make sure there are no stringey...
  25. rob00120


    hi i have had my tank for 1 month an got some cabomba i stated with about 6 pices aprox 5" long now it was about 18" in about 2 and a half weeks so broke them in half and replanted both halfs and i only had about 3 pices floting in my tank soon i will have a curten right down the back of i love...
  26. rob00120

    I Found This Good Web Site That Tells You If Your Tank Is Overstocked

    oops dopy me i will have to watch were i get my info in the future sorry
  27. rob00120

    I Found This Good Web Site That Tells You If Your Tank Is Overstocked

    oops i did not no that can you tell me why
  28. rob00120

    I Found This Good Web Site That Tells You If Your Tank Is Overstocked

    this is what it said about my tank Note: Gold Nugget Pleco L018 is a juvernile form of L085. Warning: Gold Nugget Pleco L018 is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 35.6 cm. Suggestion: If you want to keep more than 1 Molly...
  29. rob00120

    I Found This Good Web Site That Tells You If Your Tank Is Overstocked

    hi all i found this sight can any one tell me if it is any good it will tell you if your fish are compatable with your tank or are compatable with each other
  30. rob00120

    Are My Fish Compatible

    i plan to get an extra filter and power head soon and 3 more neons the other 3 fish i will go to the shop i got them and see if they still have them so i can get the name of them the 2 male dgs dont fight they chase each other from time to time but i come back in to the liveing room the other...
  31. rob00120

    My New Tank 1 Month Old

    hi this is my new tank 1 month old thanks for looking this is my first tank it is a fluval roma 240
  32. rob00120

    Are My Fish Compatible

    pic of my tank thanks for looking
  33. rob00120

    Fluval 305

    the flow is ok there is enough that the water sperts out over the water when i do a w/c just does not seem to be 1000 l/p/h there was loots of crap that come out that turned my tank cloudy white but that is going now as i did a 45 % water change i will get new tubes asap but it will be ok for a...
  34. rob00120

    Fluval 305

    i think i will get eheim tubing does any one no what size i need i think the fluval ones are 12mm ??? also the filter has been used from 2007 in till now i cleaned the filter yesterday and loads of crap come out of the tubes i think i nee new ons any way thanks for any help rob
  35. rob00120

    Diy Spray Bar

    I've also now got the filter turned up full blast and it doesn't feel too much, whereas before I had to turn the filter down to half way to stop my fish getting flung about how do you turn the filter up and down as i have the fluval 305 and to me it is a little slow thanks
  36. rob00120

    Fluval 305

    can you do that i thought that you had to buy the fluval ones witch cost about £25 each thanks
  37. rob00120

    Fluval 305

    hi i have a fluval 305 i got 2nd hand with my tank the person that had it befor me put the filter intake on the same side of the tank as the outlet head the pipes have been cut is there a cheap way to put this right thankyou for any replys