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  1. F

    Can I?

    Hi all I have a community tank and the biggest fish I have are a pair of kribs. My question is could I add some red cherry shrimp? Thanks all David
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    Floating Plants Pistia Stratiotes / Water Lettuce : Worcester

    could you send me a large pot please pm me details cheers
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    Salvinia Natans (floating Plant)

    hi do you still have any
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    Safe Place To Buy

    hi all i've a cherry shrimp tank that did have hundreds of shrimp in of all ages. i bought some plants from ebay and it did warn that they could have treatment on that could kill shrimp if not washed. so i left them in a bucket of water for over a week and changed the water twice a day. after a...
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    Bio Tube

    hi all i've got a bio ube but the filter is a night mare to get at and clean without trapping cherry shrimp in. i was thinking of changing the alfa grog media for sand and changing the filter for an aquarium biochemical sponge filter. would this be good enough and do they simply hook up to the...
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    Which Killis

    hi all, i'm new to killis and would like some advice which are a good fish to start. i would like something colourful and do any of you sell your eggs? cheers david
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    Pink, Purple, Ivory And Blue Apple Snails For Sale

    do you still have purple and pinks for sale? could you send your postcode please i'm in south shields. cheers david
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    Test Results

    thanks all
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    Test Results

    it crashed last week, the ph out of the tap is 7.5. the tank is planted and has wood in. could this be making the ph drop
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    Test Results

    hi, i've been doing a fishless cycle and today is the first day i've got a zero reading for ammonia. should i keep adding ammonia and how long for? ammonia 0 ph 6.4 kh 50 gh 125 nitrate 25 nitrite 5 thanks
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    i like the look you have with the plants growing on the wood. i looked in pets at home yesterday they had some but at £50 a pop :no:
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    hi all, i'm just setting up my tank and wanted to use a nice big lump of bog wood but it costs a fortune. can i use any wood if i cleaned it up and how do you get it to stay on the bottom and not float? thanks
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    i've just got a new tank and instead of putting a backing on i thought about putting a mirror on the back instead. any one tried it? cheers
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    New Tank?

    i'm thinking of getting one of these Fish R Fun FRF-611. what do you lot think of it? i've not got a big budget, about £150 and the wife says its got to look nice so i've not got a huge choice. thanks david